idiot american missionary killed by natives

Could get interesting if they decide to go hand to hand. If they consider themselves 'at war' with any outsiders, their morale should be high after so many easy take downs without reply. That is assuming their campfire stories of the British wiping them out are being dismissed as myth by now.

I do wonder how any response unit that are deployed are expected to respond in such a scenario where the natives go full close quarters combat. Are they allowed to even respond? Or just do a full retreat and take injury/casualties along the way?

This has the potential to end up real bad...
If you look at the islands on google maps, most of them have a few roads and small towns on them, even hotels.

But some look completely un-explored, no markers on the map or anything. It would be interesting to look around. They are probably some of the only truly wild places left.

That's untrue, he could've landed a Malaysian island controlled by Islamic militants and be killed.
I do wonder how any response unit that are deployed are expected to respond in such a scenario where the natives go full close quarters combat. Are they allowed to even respond? Or just do a full retreat and take injury/casualties along the way?

This has the potential to end up real bad...

If they sent the military to do it they would have the right to defend themselves. But this is really a civil matter so they won't use soldiers. But then again, this is Asia, so who knows.
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If they sent the military to do it they would have the right to defend themselves. But this is really a civil matter so they won't use soldiers. But then again, this is Asia, so who knows.

Cool to know. But how would the civilian deployed units be allowed to respond I wonder? Could become a wild circus show.

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But even if military was brought in to retrieve and required to defend themselves, I seriously doubt the units country of origin will enjoy the condemnation and backlash if there was any fatalities, injuries or anything detrimental to the natives given their protected status. As the unit too will be carrying the same illness and pathogens as the body they're trying to retrieve. It's all basically a boiling plate that's ready to pop at the slightest action from the outside.

It might be better to let the body remain. How did the previous dead bodies get recovered? Anyone know?
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Cool to know. But how would the civilian deployed units be allowed to respond I wonder? Could become a wild circus show.

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But even if military was brought in to retrieve and required to defend themselves, I seriously doubt the units country of origin will enjoy the condemnation and backlash if there was any fatalities, injuries or anything detrimental to the natives given their protected status. As the unit too will be carrying the same illness and pathogens as the body they're trying to retrieve. It's all basically a boiling plate that's ready to pop at the slightest action from the outside.

It might be better to let the body remain. How did the previous dead bodies get recovered? Anyone know?

Leaving the body would be simplest - to be honest I'm amazed they're even considering retrieving it. IIRC they initially left his body on the beach, then the OP's linked article says they dragged it away, so there's already been a major opportunity missed.

A big question is what the tribe have done with it. Have they tied it to a tree? Buried it? Cremated it? Is cannibalism a possibility? Have they trolled those watching by taking it to the other side of the island and thrown it in the sea there?

Interesting, 11min 15secs, I love stuff like this -

Very interesting watch. That sentinel tribe were out for blood and seemed to very much enjoy scoring a hit. Those 2 m monster arrows also look like they have serious range. With hindsight, the documentary makers might have thought twice about gifting them a big batch of knives considering how they reacted lol.

If they're really going to retrieve the body, I suppose they can go the whole hog with tasers, tear gas, pepper sprays, rubber bullets, perhaps even tranquilizer darts. Either way, just doesn't seem like a good idea, but I would be most interested to see it attempted :p
It would be awesome to see what they do if we drop a tank off there......Just roll it on up the beach and laugh at their vain attempts to attack it.
It would be awesome to see what they do if we drop a tank off there......Just roll it on up the beach and laugh at their vain attempts to attack it.

In the end though, especially in a non dangerous situation like that, you wouldn't be able to attack them anyway, but you'd need to move the tank out at some point after. So it would still be a retreat to the natives. Doesn't serve any point there really. And if the tank runs any of them over, I'm sure there'll be hell to pay from all corners of the civilised world over such an incident.
If they're really going to retrieve the body, I suppose they can go the whole hog with tasers, tear gas, pepper sprays, rubber bullets, perhaps even tranquilizer darts. Either way, just doesn't seem like a good idea, but I would be most interested to see it attempted :p

They could also go at night and use night vision. Which the locals won't have ofc.
Play stupid games; win stupid prizes!

Remote, uncontacted tribes tend to be remote and uncontacted for very good reasons.
Very interesting watch. That sentinel tribe were out for blood and seemed to very much enjoy scoring a hit. Those 2 m monster arrows also look like they have serious range. With hindsight, the documentary makers might have thought twice about gifting them a big batch of knives considering how they reacted lol.

In the past when they've fought off people trying to make contact the females have come out of the woods afterwards and they have a big mating celebration on the beach....

I do think it is perhaps sensible to leave these guys alone for the moment, they're instinctively hostile to strangers and it would likely do much more harm than good to make contact.

There are other tribes in the region with barely any contact and of course in Brazil, I do think that efforts probably should be made to contact them - currently there is a road that goes through one tribal area in India and strict rules on the use of it, like no cameras, no stopping etc.. but some tourists bribe locals and get themselves onto a private trip where they can stop and meet a tribe with barely any contact with the outside world. I think in these cases where there is a danger of exploitation, transfer of disease (similar too in Brazil where there is danger of disease and indeed death from encounters with logging companies) there is perhaps a need for them to be contacted and integrated into society in some way partly in order to protect them and their lands from exploitation... it isn't like a Brazilian tribe with barely any contact can report anything to the authorities if some members are killed by loggers or hunting areas wiped out, nor can they get representation in courts etc... the tribes that do have contact have certain recognised tribal lands etc.. that offer some protection - though with the new President in that country who knows what might happen there.
They should do celebrity whatever something moron island there. Just drop them off by helicopter with some supplies. Whoever is left at the end of the week wins. I'd actually pay my TV licence to watch that live.

nono forget the cameras and stuff, they should just drop them off and we bet who's going to be left alive in the competition.. 3 months later we find out. Don't even need to watch it


he could have wiped them out already by getting close and passing a disease across, won't have gone to heaven in that case.

if they do make their way off the island it will be interesting, and with populations increasing the might seek other islands in the future and run into trouble. It would be great if some films were made about it..
I don’t blame them. I come pretty close to this when then the JW’s knock, clutching their Watchtower magazines.

The Jehovah's Witnesses stopped coming to me. I politely heard them out, watched their video. And now they avoid my house. I don't know what I did.
I read that the 3rd day he went back, he sat round the fire with them and they all ate the fish he brought, they shot him after. Didnt the church that he was connected with put out a statement, i think they also said the tribe started tearing him apart. Sooo, i think they might have eaten him...

It is a fascinating story, 60,000 years untouched or something, amazing.


"taking him apart"
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