idiot american missionary killed by natives

I read that the 3rd day he went back, he sat round the fire with them and they all ate the fish he brought, they shot him after. Didnt the church that he was connected with put out a statement, i think they also said the tribe started tearing him apart. Sooo, i think they might have eaten him...

It is a fascinating story, 60,000 years untouched or something, amazing.


"taking him apart"

There are historical documents made by Marco Polo commenting on them eating visitors. Apparently one of the more "recent" visits was in the 1800s when some British people ended up killing a couple of them. Since then pretty much no one has made contact.
It has nothing to do with 'sin', and everything to do with the fact that they murdered an innocent man. The family has every right to talk about forgiveness.
there's a world of difference between innocent and stupid. the family should be asking for forgiveness, not acting all supercilious and offering it.
It has nothing to do with 'sin', and everything to do with the fact that they murdered an innocent man. The family has every right to talk about forgiveness.

They trespassed on this land after being duly warned, the religious arrogance of people can get to ****.
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there's a world of difference between innocent and stupid. the family should be asking for forgiveness, not acting all supercilious and offering it.

Why should the family be asking forgiveness? They had nothing to do with it.

He. Just the one guy.

trespassed on his land after being duly warned, the religious arrogance of people can get to ****.

This is true, but doesn't change the fact that he was murdered.
This is true, but doesn't change the fact that he was murdered.

No he wasnt, they just have a very robust immigration policy. :D

Perhaps they have an instinctive knowledge that Immigration will wreck their society and culture so they resist it strongly.

Perhaps the correct response to uninvited strangers storming your beaches is to actually kill them on sight.

Maybe we should take a leaf out of their book!

The tribe he visited was indeed the Sentinel islanders - the ones who attacked the documentary crew in the '70s.

He was apparently buried on the beach, so should be a far simpler mission to retrieve him than it otherwise might have been.

Chau was apparently shot and killed by arrows, but the cause of death can't be confirmed until his body is recovered, Pathak said.

Makes me wonder if they're doing this just for a post-mortem, which is another kind of modern bureaucratic madness 'No death certificate until autopsy, fetch the body' :p It seems the Indian authorities are the ones who intend to retrieve him.
Their land, though not their own independent country. It is Indian territory.

Who says?

Sure, the Indians could march in with Guns and attack helicopters and declare that "All your Land are belong to us". But that would constitute an invasion and annexation of what, by any real definition, is sovereign territory.

I thought colonialism went out of fashion in the last century.

The only reason why it is deemed Indian territory is because the Indians say it is and everybody else (Except for the Islanders themselves of course) goes along with it.

It doesn't mean that, Morally, it is
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