You don't seem to get it, the North Atlantic treaty was made in the 90s to stop NATO and the US encroachment and Russia would do the same NATO and the US both broke the agreement so Russia is in fact defending itself from a foreign power, Ukraine is screwed because 1 they're in the middle of it and 2 they have that corrupt joker as leader who is against peace because he knows he has the might of the west behind him.
Why the UK are involved I just don't know, we're not in the EU anymore so we could have spent our money on the many problems we have here at home and we could have sold all those weapons we sent to Ukraine to the Saudis and made more money...
Show us the devastation that Ukraine has wrought upon Russia pre invasion by Russia.
Think you are sore that a comedian who had hit squads on him stayed behind to help his country fight against the ( fascist invaders, resurgent USSR delete as you see fit )
Whilst Putin hides in Moscow..has even been to the front lines yet?
Anyway doesn't matter, Russia will not win...ever.
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