If the worst came to the worst and things escalated

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That's all any of us country folk will end up with to defend ourselves in this country. Air rifles :D
Mines got an 8 shot mag, plus it runs on air canisters. I've only one canister left. Off to max out my credit card on Amazon now, get some survival gear.
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I provided the beer and bags of onion ring crisps, although I think it was the vodka which did it. Urgh, even thinking about it makes me feel queasy.
It was clearly the onion rings crisps wasn't it...... I hate that feeling. I get it when I think about seeing the sun coming up and having not slept yet in my younger days
Mine got an 8 shot mag, plus it runs on air canisters. I've only one canister left. Off to max out my credit card on Amazon now, get some survival gear.
I used to have some lovely rifles. I often think how great it would be to get back out there shooting some birds for tea again
I think at this point a nuclear exchange in our life times is inevitable ... sadly.

The first thing I’ll say is please stop watching that awful infographics show YouTube channel, it’s garbage.

Most of the videos on there are pure conjecture, some are outright nonsense - but a lot of them are made to get clicks by frightening people, with silly, improbable scenarios.

The threat of nuclear war is very very very unlikely. Don’t be fooled by Putins sabre rattling, they always kick up a fuss and talk about nuclear weapons when they get upset, but that’s what they do - they’ve always done it and they’ll continue to do it.

So just take a chill pill, stop watching click bait YouTube videos designed to frighten people, the chances of nuclear war are insanely remote.
The whole mad thing isnt thought out :p
It relies on everyone having the view that losing everything is tragic.
What happens when your player doesn't give a toss and that's not an issue?
Do you just nuke back because....
Doesn't that make the retaliation strike threat a blessing fulfilling the expectations of the admitted loss.
Why are all players meant to have the same Western morality?

Because a human is a human and survival is ingrained, those at the top in countries that preach dying for the cause ie Iran are ruled by rich people who live extravagant lifestyles.

Then you have those below who might think screw dying for this idiot.
I'd definitely have an argument with some random strangers about what type of missiles they were.

The inability to surreptitiously consult Google and present tedious youtube videos as evidence might be a big problem, to be fair.
I have a personal, hand powered emergency radio, which would be great if things kicked off as you would always be able to get the emergency broadcasts.
It also doubles as a torch and charger, made by a company called Midland, who are supposed to be one of the best in the business.
Last thing you want is a Chinese special whose handle snaps clean off at the crucial moment!
We live in worrying times,we do, its a distinct possibility again, isnt it. That thermo mutually assured destruction stuff!
This is hard to talk about stuff I know, but must be on the back of folks minds given the current circumstances ... I honestly never thought I'd see the day when a clearly madman like Putin bandys about the usage of Nuclear weapons again as if it were normal :(

I said this at the start of the war but worth repeating.
Why would Putin send his troops into Ukraine if he were going to nuke it, he also mobilized 300k more just a couple of months ago who are now probably all in or around Ukraine, why bother doing that if he were going to nuke the place.
The Ukrainians are certainly not winning, this isn't even close. Why would the West repeatedly have to send more and more advanced weapons if the Ukrainians were winning?
These 100(200?) tanks people think will make a difference, nope because the last 2000 Ukraine had didn't.
Even these F16s, what will they do when Russia has the S400?
So absolutely zero reason for Putin to use nukes.

Liz Truss also said she would use nukes and she was only PM from sep-oct.
Zelensky was calling on NATO to pre-emptively use nukes on Russia.
Putin has said he would use nukes if Russia itself was at risk.

Lots of talk of nukes but I don't see it happening, right now NATO have almost been disarmed themselves and they have been unable to stop Russia.
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