If you could change an event in your life what would it be ?

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@NVP ironically enough, the strangler was a former law student and dropped dead in the street along with his briefcase as a result of a suffocating lung condition.

I possess his watch, which smashed and ceased working the moment he died.
I`m not trash, i still think things would be different.

I went to a "crappy secondary school", got straight A's, and went on to do Physics at a top London uni. I really don't think it would have barely made a dent if she went to a different school. But you carry on stewing in your own misery
God you sound like an awful sibling. Why don't you want to see your sister thrive? Are you that envious of her life that you want to see her fail?

For myself, I wish I didn't waste 2 years of my life doing a plumbing course out of school. I did it as I thought it was a good progression to making lots of money and I stupidly thought "why would I want to work with PCs, they're my hobby" and it wasn't until I was 19 and decided that I really didn't want to continue to do plumbing and went back to college to start in IT.

That's not to bad at all, 19 was still really young to work out what you really wanted to do and you sorted it early. And your thinking made sense at the time a lot of plumbers out there are absolutely minted, more so these days.
Didn't OP say his sister studied at Leeds Met anyway? While she may have done fantastically in her career, I suspect this is probably in spite of studying at Leeds Met as opposed to being because of it.
Ahhh, is this thread still going...

OP, the things that happened to you before you were an adult are outside of your control, you can do nothing about them...

Problem is, you are now an adult and are making active decisions to moan about something you have no control over, what you are doing now, you have control over, do you really want to get to retirement/old age and suddenly realise that you have wasted your life?
As for me, the biggest change in life is not getting together with my gf at uni and ending up marrying her. Wasted 10 years of my life on a second rate relationship because i had nothing to compare it to.

And playing the field more and not taking relationships so damn seriously when i was in my teenage years. I let so many great opportunities slip by because i was an idiot. Like a 28 year old hot Latino woman basically handing herself to me on a plate when i was 19 and didn't even see it until it was too late.
Worst "I want to sleep with my sister" thread ever? Or the best "I want to sleep with my sister" thread ever?

Hard to decide but OP certainly is the problem not his sister. Had his sister failed we all know he would still be where he is today. Blaming someone else shows a real lack of responsibility. Responsible people tend to do better than irresponsible people.

Wishing harm on a sibling is showing a lack of feeling or empathy. A destructive personality trait which no doubt has a more negative effect on their potential.

They also cannot spell for toffee which shows they aren't the brightest bulb which also means they were never likely to succeed.

He should be ashamed of himself. But likely too dumb to realise he is the issue holding himself back. So he has thoughts of grandeur about himself another negative trait making him think he's smarter than he is.

I went to one of the worst schools in Paisley and Paisley is a dump. I still went to university and got a degree. I was the only non white kid in a very rough primary school. Literally had to establish myself in pecking order and fast otherwise it would have been even rougher. A lot of the folk who went to that school are either junkies, alcoholics, in prison or dead. Some I met later on and they told me stories of some that never made it out and one who was still there. Yeah some didn't stand a chance because of their parents but blaming a sibling is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Plot twist OP is actually the sister

@RxR - Was daddy ever diagnosed?

Eh? I never had a "daddy". I raised myself in that regard. As for the aspergers, that descends from the matrilineal side going back to before 1705 ad. Nature positively genetically selects for systems intelligence.
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My sister has and has always had things better than me.

Got both my parents when they were younger.
Got to go to a better school.
Didn't have to move at 16 from where she grew up.
Got to go to 6th form not to college.
Didn't graduate during a recession.
Didn't fail upteen job interviews (has never failed an interview)
She ernes more.
Has a newer car.
Has a much better job
Gets to live somewhere cool.

The only two times i can say i have ever say that i have beaten her in anything are as follows.

I was a prefect at my school, she wasn't at her`s. But thats kinda like one of those odd facts like Ibrahimović never winning the champions league or Rio Ferdinand never winning the FA cup.

Also i passed my driving test first time it took her 3 attempts again that`s kinda one of those wired flukes like Danny Simpson having more Premier league winners medals than Steven Gerrard
Not sure you get the point of the thread, also jealousy isnt flattering, and I'm sure youve posted that somewhere before as well?

e: wait hang on, this is YOUR THREAD that you've posted the same thing in again! :eek:

You need help mate. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Especially your sister.
This is definitely one of those threads where the OP could be a serial killer and we all get interviewed.
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