If you could change an event in your life what would it be ?

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This obsession doesn't beat the deleted thread about 8 pack in CPU section.

I don't get how someone gets so attached and protective over some guy that overclocks ram and CPU as a hobby and living.

I wish I could remember his name now.
OP - I passed my 11+ and got offered places at the Grammar school plus what was probably one of the best private schools in my city.

I turned it down and asked to go to the City Technology College instead. I don't know what you deem successful, but I have carved out a good career for myself, bought my first house age 20, have a fantastic kid and live comfortably...I consider that successful. I didn't need to attend the grammar school to have achieved it. I got good GCSE's and terrible A-Level outcomes.

Funny enough, what achieved it was working at Maccy D's whilst in college, going through the management training and using the two year experience as examples in my interview for my "first proper job".

I bet you are triggered now?
My sister has and has always had things better than me.

Got both my parents when they were younger.
Got to go to a better school.
Didn't have to move at 16 from where she grew up.
Got to go to 6th form not to college.
Didn't graduate during a recession.
Didn't fail upteen job interviews (has never failed an interview)
She ernes more.
Has a newer car.
Has a much better job
Gets to live somewhere cool.

The only two times i can say i have ever say that i have beaten her in anything are as follows.

I was a prefect at my school, she wasn't at her`s. But thats kinda like one of those odd facts like Ibrahimović never winning the champions league or Rio Ferdinand never winning the FA cup.

Also i passed my driving test first time it took her 3 attempts again that`s kinda one of those wired flukes like Danny Simpson having more Premier league winners medals than Steven Gerrard

I can totally empathise with you.
Exactly the same for me.
She's 13 years younger.
When I was 16 they all buggered off to Nigeria and left me on my own while she had nannies.
She earns way more.
Much better job.
Always got a new car.
Goes on expensive holidays.

I can play a guitar better than her and I know she's never put a shelf up, she hasn't even got an SDS drill with rawplugs and screws.
i went for a trial at the Derby County School of Excellency wearing my Forest kit.

Although rationally i know they didn't really care and i just wasn't that good, i still like to think i could have made it. :D
I would change nothing, else I wouldn't be posting this on your thread on this all important topic.

In all seriousness, I wouldn't change anything tbh. Even the bad had led to where I am now and wouldn't want to change that. Even the bitcoin I mined when it was basically worthless and lost. Yeah :(
My sister has and has always had things better than me.

Got both my parents when they were younger.
Got to go to a better school.
Didn't have to move at 16 from where she grew up.
Got to go to 6th form not to college.
Didn't graduate during a recession.
Didn't fail upteen job interviews (has never failed an interview)
She ernes more.
Has a newer car.
Has a much better job
Gets to live somewhere cool.

The only two times i can say i have ever say that i have beaten her in anything are as follows.

I was a prefect at my school, she wasn't at her`s. But thats kinda like one of those odd facts like Ibrahimović never winning the champions league or Rio Ferdinand never winning the FA cup.

Also i passed my driving test first time it took her 3 attempts again that`s kinda one of those wired flukes like Danny Simpson having more Premier league winners medals than Steven Gerrard

Seriously, you got massive ******* problems. Get actual therapy from an actual therapist because you'll never get on in life if you don't stop blaming you sister for you're own problems
Seriously, you got massive ******* problems. Get actual therapy from an actual therapist because you'll never get on in life if you don't stop blaming you sister for you're own problems

Seriously this is the advice you need to listen to and follow!

Your sister never stopped you doing anything
You failed the job interviews, not her.
Everyone your age graduated during a recession, is every 33 year old a failure?
A bad school will still allow the best students to shine.
The choice to go to 6th form not college is not relative - you chose what you wanted to do, your 33 you could have got a damn job.
Has a newer car, she earns more - oh big whoop you child.
Gets to live somewhere cool - just move if you're not happy with where you are.

Seriously grow the hell up, the world is not out to get you, your 33, I'm 35 and about to start a new chapter in my life after dealing with many many issues.

You learn from your mistakes, you grow from them and react appropriately, not act like a damn spoilt child and want others to fail.

You sound like so many toxic people i have worked with in the past, don't do anything to improve themselves then when it comes time to get appraised all they do is tare others apart as they are to ignorant and lazy to do anything themselves yet expect the same treatment and achievements.

Seriously get yourself therapy, get the help you need and realise that you are the only person that has any real control over the way your life goes, unfortunately this takes time and work and you can either keep blaming your sister or do something about it.


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Love it. :D

Although careful the mods don't spank you for all those starries :p

Edited away the stars, removed my personal issues i mentioned (shouldn't have put them on the internet in the first place) and made it quite a bit less harsh, I ignored my work rule of write an email but don't send it for an hour then read it back :p

I don't want to insult or offend the OP but I have dealt with so many people like that in life, it's the same sort of people that look at other peoples Facebook etc. and think they have the perfect life unable to understand that most people only show the edited parts of their lives they want other people to see, I'm sure if he (presume he) speaks to his sister he would find out her life hasn't been as easy as he thinks it has been but it is very likely she has only told him the edited version of stories or just not spoke to him at all as OP doesn't seem like he would offer any compassion if she did have problems.

I genuinely hope they get help, at 32 i was at the one of the lowest points I had ever been in my life so only 3 years later I have a very bright future and next week it all begins so hopefully OP will realise life can change and 33 is not that old.

For some reason the post really got under my skin, I think because I have worked hard at work all my life yet whenever I speak to anyone I completely underplay the effort I put in, partly because I am terrible at selling myself but I mostly don't want to seem arrogant by praising myself.

To steal a quote from Bojack Horseman "You are all the things that are wrong with you!"
So many but the earliest one that sticks in my mind was when I was around 6-7 and my uncle taking me to the local boxing gym, the trainer/coach guy there took one look at me and said no it's not for him. oh well, I was willing to give it a try but whatever it was I wasn't a boxer in his eyes?
Seems a bit of a troll thread but taken at face value there are a couple of considerations:

1) Are we talking about things that could realistically be changed had we acted differently ourselves, or just a magic wand scenario "I wish so-and-so hadn't got cancer and died"?
2) Butterfly Effect / infinite parallel universes making it impossible to predict what course of events would have transpired if event X didn't happen. We could pick an event that we expect to make our lives better by changing (because we believe it made our lives worse) but that could inadvertently set off a chain of events resulting in an even worse outcome - maybe we'd already be dead for example if our life had gone down a different path, even if that path looked more favourable at the point of branching. The grass isn't always greener and all that.
3) I like to make the distinction between decisions that only look bad with hindsight versus decisions that we realistically could have made differently at the time without knowing the future. So for example we've probably all made mistakes that we'd make again given the same information, but there might be some choices that we could have taken a different direction, maybe just spending a little more time thinking about, or seeking advice, or whatever.

Having seen this thread pop up again I've decided to hone in on #3 as I didn't really give an answer first time around. So thinking about decisions I have made and what I could've done differently, but trying to avoid 20/20 hindsight influencing it too much, I'd say there are some broad themes rather than specific events:
  • I wish I'd spent more time speaking to elderly or terminally ill relatives. I've procrastinated a lot in the past.
  • I could've pushed myself a bit more proactively with competitive gaming in the early 00s, tried to force myself into a top team etc
  • I perhaps should've pursued women more 'aggressively' (bad word... basically been more alpha) in my early 20s as I think I had more opportunity than I appreciated at the time. Just stuff like initiating physical contact if a girl came to speak or dance with me in a club or something, I was always waiting for them to make the first physical move even if they approached me.
  • If I'd had more faith in slightly nerdy/techy stuff becoming mainstream, I could've got in early on a fair few things. Might not have made a success of them of course but for example I never expected gaming to become a global spectator sport in the way it has
So many but the earliest one that sticks in my mind was when I was around 6-7 and my uncle taking me to the local boxing gym, the trainer/coach guy there took one look at me and said no it's not for him. oh well, I was willing to give it a try but whatever it was I wasn't a boxer in his eyes?
If he said that he wasn't a coach or trainer in any sense of the word.
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