If you could change an event in your life what would it be ?

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Yep, clearly needs help if that's his biggest hurdle in life. OP there are hundreds of millions of people more successful, more intelligent, more conventionally attractive than you and your sister, so why narrow it down to just her?

A little resentment can be fuel to improve, however, wishing that she failed at multiple steps is a self-destructive mindset because those moments in her life have already occurred and there's nothing you can do to change that other than going full-blown school shooter.
I would have travelled more.
I would never have worked for a large company for so long.
I would never have bought such an expensive house (because it prevented (1) and resulted in (2) above).
I would have spent more time with my parents before they passed away.
I would have slapped the bullies at school much sooner than I did.
I would never have been so scared to talk to girls when I was younger. I was too afraid of rejection. But I didn't realise at the time that rejection doesn't matter.

The trouble is that changing anything about my life would mean I wouldn't have the two lovely children I have now. So in reality I would do things exactly the same to ensure it didn't change that part of my life.
Given a second chance to replay a couple of minor events in my life, I’d say “Yes” to both of the female friends (Many years apart and long before I was married) that asked me if I wanted to sleep with them. Neither of their then relationships lasted more than a few months after they showed an interest in being FWBs with myself, so it’s not like my being a decent chap at the time saved anything.
I am always dubious about the answers people give with such questions. If you live your life again you are still the same person and you would probably just replace one set of mistakes with a similar set. Even when people say "I wish I knew then what I know now" they forget there is bad stuff they know that may hold them back as well as the good stuff that may help them. Many insecurities and stuff like that tend to get worse as people get older.
Hahah yes there are, maybe I'm just fussier in my old age but I'd rather do the dirty with someone less physically good looking (I say that vs attractive as thats subjective) that was a nice person than someone who was smoking hot but a complete lady garden..
God you sound like an awful sibling. Why don't you want to see your sister thrive? Are you that envious of her life that you want to see her fail?

For myself, I wish I didn't waste 2 years of my life doing a plumbing course out of school. I did it as I thought it was a good progression to making lots of money and I stupidly thought "why would I want to work with PCs, they're my hobby" and it wasn't until I was 19 and decided that I really didn't want to continue to do plumbing and went back to college to start in IT.
Cheating on my wife, which lead to our divorce and me having hugely reduced contact with my daughter. Perhaps ultimately the marriage would still have been doomed (we had been together for 20 years) but even so, going about things in the way I did was not the right way to do things. I'll always regret and feel guilt over my actions and their effect on my family and not attempting more to at least try and solve our issues. That would be my one event, although of course there are others that I wish I could change too, thats the standout one.
Not reading the thread as its just depressing.

I think for me the one thing that is earliest is

Doing the wrong course at uni. Science.
I allowed it to set my life. And Ive never enjoyed a job as a result. Had thoughts of changing career in my 20s but never made it happen. Definitely my biggest regret.

If I had done engineering back then my life could be completely different.

Subsequent bad decisions.

-Me and my ex staying together long past the end of relationship = wasted time
-Not pursuing emigration
-Not changing career later
-not buying a house early enough

Good decisions
-not having kids
-moving to Wales (although far too late)

Really , my biggest regret is not finding and putting the effort into my career.
To me I don't have a career. I do a job. And that has caused me just to flop from job to job.

Now, due to worries about my long term health I won't even entertain excessive study to rectify it. I sort accept I'll never have a job I care about. But it still nags me and probably always will

Not having kids has definitely been a good decision
Recent events has seen my gf needing me to do all the house work for last 6 months. And the renovation of house. And it's exhausting. I'm more irritable and short tempered.
If I had kids I think this phase would have broken me. I'm just not the carer type. Never thought I was. But last few months have proved it. It's meant I need my free time for hobbies. Something that wouldn't be possible with kids.
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It is among the hardest work conceived to raise children well. I don't regret the vast effort it has taken so far, for moderate success, though I doubt it ever ends (till death do us part, etc).
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If I could choose just one single event in my life to change, it would be my parents divorcing. Had they not divorced, my brothers and I would have had far better childhoods and a better upbringing overall. That isn't to say I blame my parents for my own failings. I just think we'd have all been happier and more successful if we'd stayed whole. I don't often think about the ramifications of my parents divorce. I don't let it bother me. But sometimes I can't help thinking about how life could be much better if my parents stayed together.

When my parents divorced it was the toughest time ever for me. But as an adult looking back, they are just people and sometimes things don't work out. Wanting them to stay together for the sake of the kids is wrong imo.

Also looking back, it spurred me to get the **** out of the home asap and start my own life. Some other life lessons were to not cheat, have respect for your partner, don't go into marriage lightly etc. So their mistakes helped shape my future.

Imagine the what the homelife would have been like if they hadn't divorced? I am sure it would not have been unicorns and rainbows.
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