If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

ajm said:
:o Space Invaders


That would translate well into a new game, don't think it is possible but by the point of the thread; boy it would make a great blast for 20 minutes here and there!
ajm said:
:o Space Invaders

and why not! Theres a load of games that could be converted from 2d to the full HDR high res 3D graphics treatment, couldnt be that hard surely. Imagine space invaders from a FPS point of view so its almost like the opening scene in terminator 2, awesome :cool:
Andy Pandy said:
Need for speed road challenge. That game was just incredible. I wish ea went back to the road challenge style than the mod this, tune that, crash into a car head on and drive off perfectly.

Your talking about 3 years of my life when you mentioned that game, it can ve made to work under XP and modern hardware :)

Also, I;d love to see a remake of Interstate 76, I loved that game, completed it oh soooo many times :)
OtherSide said:

Agreed, excellent game, IMO. And the fact i played itw hen i was like, 13 the swearing just owned :p

But deffo Deus Ex, that game is still amazing even today. I'd like to see a remake for such classics as LBA1/2. Or Soviet Strike with 3D graphics (maybe a BF2 sort of engine), that would be cool. I always liked that game.
Duke 3D :D

And those who mentioned Stuntcar (of which I was a big fan, 2 amigas and a parallel cable!), I think Trackmania has pretty much nailed that genre :)
Nickg said:
close combat 3. goes for like 50 squid now a days, fantastic game, would be awesome with true LOS etc with a semi 3d terrain engine

That's a choice and a half!

I'd have that second choice though, first would have to be SoF2 just so that it'd attract new players that I could walk over :p
richyfingers said:
A collectors edition was realeased years ago of x-wing and tie fighter with updated graphics but nothing recently. There is an update for X-wing alliance with improved graphics but thats about it as far as i know.

The Upgrade you mention is at XWA Upgrade Project

Some of these guys are really talented and have been doing this project for a few years now. Releases aren't hugely fast, but almost all the ships you'd want to see made 100% better are done :D
Gunship 2000 I'd love to see an update of that, spent many an hour on the ole A1200 on that. Another vote for Frontier Elite 2 as well. Anyone remember Cyclone on the speccy?
Blood then duke nuken 3D and finally Kingpin

I played Blood for so many hours its untrue. Blood 2 was crap in comparision, i think it was the 'updated' engine that ruined it. and the quake engine for blood was shockingly poor.

The level design, AI, sound and general gameplay all worked together very well. Pity you cant just play it in compatibility mode with origional music and sound effects, instead of trying 101 ways to get it working in dosbox using VMS sound and a shed load of other programs/methods

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