If You Could Have 1 Game Re-Released...

There is going to be a new kingpin game apparently, the first one was mint!
Game i would most like to see remade is medieval total war but hopefully mtw2 will fulfill that!
Btw agree that a predator game using the crysis engine would be awesome.
Well it would have to be:



it was awesome in co-op. A new LBA or Kingpin wouldn't go amiss though.
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Mine would have to be the "Streets Of Rage" trilogy. cant say one in particular as they all rule. you remember them rom the sega mega drive. they ruled
Age of empires 2: The age of kings.

This game is really untouchable imo, was of my first ever online games and loved it so much! Would love to it in glory :cool:
Impossible Mission for the Spectrum

Only to see if it really was as hard as i remember it being. It would have to have no save feature too.
Broken sword 1/2 broken sword 3 was just not the same game some how :(
wing commander games :D

and any other games with an amazing story driven world! there are quite a few.... but unfortunatly most of the good ones are the old ones :( used to love playing through broken sword 1/2 with my mate during sleep overs!
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I would say System Shock 2 or AvP, but they would be WAY to scary. So I am going to say Goldeneye 64 (the hl2 mod is crap) or C&C Renegade done properly as it should have been (ie not by EA).
Kingpin - unmatched multiplayer for me dm and bm had me gripped for years i'd still play but I doubt anyone still players it.

Carmageddon 2 - Love it also, soo much fun and selection choice.
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