If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

lolkwerk arguing over the union jack when hes blatently wrong.

Anyway, people who have handsfree or speaker but still hold the phone near their mouth needs banning!

I think I shall take the word of the Flag Institute over you sir.
Main reason being I'm all for education being the solution to all of our problems. With education on a variety of religions, there will be fewer conflicts and religious schools I know about don't offer a reasonable religious studies curriculum and don't teach some scientific theories correctly/say that god was certainly the cause of them.

If a religious school can teach the curriculum in a neutral manner, then fine, but as far as I know, these are the minority.

Ah, that's fair enough. My school was utter rubbish. Worryingly clueless teachers!!
  • Rre-ban the practice of homosexualism.
  • Re-introduce capital and corporal punishment.
  • Ban the wearing of hats indoors, unless required for safety reasons.
  • A total ban on advertising.
  • Make it illegal NOT to own a gun.
  • If you own more than 1/4 acre of land you will be legally required to fly a union jack on a minimum 20' flag pole.
  • Various legislation to regress the Americanisation of the British Isles, use of the word fries instead of chips, pharmacy instead of chemist, trick or treat instead of guising, and so forth.
  • A special tax on places like Best Buy, Taco Bell, etc.
  • Ban pitbulls

Do you have a carbon-monoxide detector in your abode?, it would explain a lot.


Football should go back to it's roots; local players for the clubs, born and lived for at least 10 years in the area local to the club and realistic wages, ticket prices and merchandise. It would make for a hell of a lot more competitive league rather than he who has most cash wins.

I think I shall take the word of the Flag Institute over you sir.

It's not carbon-monoxide is it?, you are just naturally mental.
I'd absolutely love to make it illegal to be kwerk. Some of his posts actually make me question myself, wondering if it's actually me that's deranged! :confused:
..what would it be?

I would have public spitting a heavily fine-able offense.

There is absolutely no need and it is bloody disgusting seeing hocked up phlegm everywhere and even worse witnessing someone do it.

How about you?

Probably this. Makes me gag, and spreads TB.

Or refusing returns on software because it has been opened. Quite often (in fact the norm on video games) the product is defective on release. Only software has this protection though. If your toaster spat out half toasted bread, you would get a refund.
..what would it be?

I would have public spitting a heavily fine-able offense.

There is absolutely no need and it is bloody disgusting seeing hocked up phlegm everywhere and even worse witnessing someone do it.

How about you?

That seriously annoys the hell out of me; all around University there are these supposedly educated individuals hacking great lumps of lung slime all over. Seems to go hand in hand with the smoking fraternity mostly as the spitters seem to be mostly the ones who have just lobbed a tab-end in the spots where they congregate then launch slime as they walk away.
Not putting the divider on the conveyer belt at the supermarket till....

Responding to Kwerk should also be illegal.

Non evidence based law making.
unskilled immigration!

This being the unskilled immigration that has kept what little industry we have left in this country, here in this country? In jobs that our unskilled workers wouldn't touch with a 10ft bargepole until this country fell on tough times and only now want to do because they are too unskilled and lacking in work ethic to get anything else?

How about we make skilled emigration illegal? All those £s to see doctors, police and other highly skilled workers leave this country in droves?
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