If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

All forms of begging should be made into offences.
That includes:
Big issue vendors
Can you spare some change (always outside pubs)
Junk mail/ cold calling for money
+1 fat people.

They should be made to wear a shock collar and all processed food packaging will have a special RFID chip in it. If they get too close to the food it gives the a harsh electrical shock.

Oddly enough, I agree with you. Not to be cruel, but more out of tough love.

  • Rre-ban the practice of homosexualism.


To add to that, I agree with banning forcing children into religion and religious schools.

Also, I honestly think that anyone who can't manage 5 GCSE Cs should go back to school and work hard and hate it like the rest of us :mad:. (I promise I'm not bitter :p)

As for banning unskilled immigration whilst I agree with that in theory, it's different in practice as many "true Brits" are too lazy to do tough jobs we need done.

Scottish Politicians.

Women drivers - other than professional drivers.

There, I've said it. I used to argue that women drivers were just as good (or bad) as men but not any more. They're out to drive me nuts, I'll tell ye. It's bad enough when they hog the outside lane of a dual carriageway just because they'll be turning right in fourteen miles, but yesterday I had the misfortune to follow this woman along a dual carriageway, straight across three roundabouts and then, approaching the fourth, she indicates left and turns left at the roundabout. WTF was that about!!!
To add to that, I agree with banning forcing children into religion and religious schools.

Why? I went to a religious school. Weekly visits from the vicar, singing hymns every day, enforced prayer in the mornings and lunch times.

Still as godless as the day I was born. Much the same as 99% of the kids I went there with.
Why? I went to a religious school. Weekly visits from the vicar, singing hymns every day, enforced prayer in the mornings and lunch times.

Still as godless as the day I was born. Much the same as 99% of the kids I went there with.

Main reason being I'm all for education being the solution to all of our problems. With education on a variety of religions, there will be fewer conflicts and religious schools I know about don't offer a reasonable religious studies curriculum and don't teach some scientific theories correctly/say that god was certainly the cause of them.

If a religious school can teach the curriculum in a neutral manner, then fine, but as far as I know, these are the minority.
My choice would be subhuman walking talking abortions from procreating.

For example.

  • Rre-ban the practice of homosexualism.
  • Re-introduce capital and corporal punishment.
  • Ban the wearing of hats indoors, unless required for safety reasons.
  • A total ban on advertising.
  • Make it illegal NOT to own a gun.
  • If you own more than 1/4 acre of land you will be legally required to fly a union jack on a minimum 20' flag pole.
  • Various legislation to regress the Americanisation of the British Isles, use of the word fries instead of chips, pharmacy instead of chemist, trick or treat instead of guising, and so forth.
  • A special tax on places like Best Buy, Taco Bell, etc.
  • Ban pitbulls

Please don't procreate Kwerk!
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