If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

  • Make it illegal NOT to own a gun.

Lolkwerk :rolleyes:

Why would I want my angry next door neighbour who has blazing shouted arguments with his family most nights to have a gun? Why would I want the chavs who hang around outside tesco in the evening to be armed? Why would I want a gun myself come to that?

I'm quite happy living in a country where firearms ownership is tightly controlled. Even the police here aren't routinely armed ffs and that's a good thing.
Sham medicine like homeopathy, chiropractic, osteopathy et al. and similar types of fraud. Along with other unethical religious/pseudo-medical procedures like genital mutilation.
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Drink driving,I know its Illegal anyway -But if caught...you get banned for life..no able to pay off fine,Having to take test again etc...just a simple lifetime ban from ever driving again.

People would really not like me if i were prime minister. :D
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