I don't recall in many many school fights i was in, anyone, myself included receiving serious damage. I think you over estimate the potential of a childs ability to hurt someone. Bullying is more psyhcological, acting tough and picking on the individual. and the bullied kid backing away.The punches rarely hurt.
Once the kid realizes that, and stands up for himself the bullying will end.. Which is why boxing is ideal in my opinion..
When i say serious harm, i don't mean broken bones/hospitalised level of injury.
A child probably, if were talking quite young (primary/early secondary), but when you get into later teenage years the ability to deal a decent blow can certainly increase. Not saying its an absolute truth but often when people 'snap' (as is sometimes the case when you endure something) it can be quite frenzied and spontaneous which can turn out painful for the receiving party. I think its safe to say that people in general can sometimes be unaware of the damage they can cause. It all depends on who's dishing it out or receiving it ofc.
I do agree that some form of sport like boxing or a martial art that teaches a firm resolve when harmed or attacked is a great idea. The right mindset is key in the end.
Interesting thread so far.
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