Then you are doing it wrong, most other people with a new TN and IPS are saying they are pretty close, viewing angles aside
So do I, so does greg, so does scotty, so do a few other people, so did techreport who reported that the TN actually had better colour reproduction head on
Your problems seem to stem from an insistance on not calibrating your monitor using any kind of reference images
Absolutely, out of the box these 4k TN's seem to be poorly calibrated, but after 20 minutes of fiddling they are indestinguishable from an Ips (uless you like gaming sitting on the floor looking up at them)
Actual measurement devices disagree with you, along with a bevvy of other end users
Measurements matt, not eyes, actual objective test measurements, with objective test equipment
If you cant be bothtered to calibrate that is fine, but you are the only person giving yourself the problem, not the monitor
Lmao, the report would have been on you machine, not taken away with him, unless he stole your harddrive while he was at it
Probably in software's folder or one of your user folders, ive not used the spyder specifically
Did the spyder software get you to make changes using the OSD or was it all automatic?
Sounds like the express then... If it doesnt help you set up brightness and contrast on the monitor itself then it is just a bandaid that tries to mitigate the worst, chances are your ips was better out of the box
You would still need to use calibration images or something to set up brightness and contrast before using the spyder
You also dont get a complete report with the express
I actually found that i needed to turn the brightness way up, like 100% on my samsung, then use the gpu driver panel to turn it back down, colours end up much more vibrant but you lose the greyness
Did you try making the OSD adjustments I suggested?
Or are still using varshes settings?
It hasnt given you the delta e for the colours, so there is no way of actually saying how accurate the colours are