IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Lots of new stuff coming this week as it's being shown at the Russian Igromir games show.

Oleg got slightly stiffed with his demo machines and they're running out of memory over land as evidenced in the vids.

Core i5's, Geforce 760's and a massive 2GB ram :rolleyes:

It's very clear that the game is paging heavily over land but otherwise looks ok to me.

Hey guys, new here I have an apple 13 inch macbook pro with Geforce 320m videos card. I plan on getting SOW, but was curious at how high you guys think I can put the settings while still getting good FPS.

I've read all the speculation about the system requirements and was wondering what you guys think. It would be on windows 7 64.

I've been debating on getting an iMac anyway.

Thanks guys!

Nobody knows how it'll run yet as it's still in beta testing so things are subject to change, other than that I agree with the two posts above, spend your money on a more powerful pc.
Oleg Maddox said:
Dear friends,

As promised, here's the Igromir 2010 demonstration video with all Russian texts translated into English.

Please note that the video was made with some decreased plane texture settings, lower light scatter rendering and reflections. Many visual and sound effects are from last month's deprecated beta.

We had to decrease some setting in order to get a consistent frame rate for video capture. However we now have a new method of converting video directly from an in-game track, so this problem is also solved and we can use maxed out settings for recording smooth high-definition video.

So I'll also give you an example of a direct render from game into your preferred codec. Some effects are especially slightly enlarged for only this short presentation so you can see them better in comparison to reality:

There are a lot of videos around from the show now if you care to trawl through the relevant threads over at the official 1C forum here:
Igromir 2010 video:
Do we know for definite what it is being called yet? I note the Russian publishers are keeping the "IL2" Brand.


Not yet, there's been an ongoing discussion at 1C over what it should be called, but this 'Cliffs of Dover' thing is a new moniker from Oleg, not sure if he's hinting at the name or just the area of the promotional video though.
Only seen 2 4 prop planes in all these screenshots - do hope they are able to make player flyable Lancasters and such. Was a limitation with previous IL2 that players could only control 1 or 2 prop planes.

So the TB3 is imaginary is it?
Do you flight sim types ever use trackir? I am thinking about getting it for sims and arma 2 but would like some feedback

God yes, utterly hate flying without it as it becomes second nature and increases immersion by a massive factor.

As for DRM, in a recent translated interview with Oleg it was mentioned that BoB will be available on steam upon release, a good thing in my opinion though some people don't like it and we can hope that DRM is handled via steam itself rather than a secondary utility such as Yuplay.
Happy about the release date, not happy about UBi, but then they've already dropped the constant connection DRM debacle haven't they?

Not sure what to make of the name, I can see where UBi is coming from keeping the IL2 Sturmovik but can't help thiking it might cause some confusion.

However, I'll just be happy to finally get my grubby mitts on it :D
I'm guessing they didn't want it getting lost in amongst all the other Battle of Britain games, films and music out there, does seem odd though.
Interent connection required to activate game on the box shown here:

Urgh. Just found out about Ubisoft being the publisher and online-activation DRM being applied to the sim.

What a damned shame. The game/sim I've most been looking forward to for years and I won't be playing it. I feel sorry for Oleg, his hard work and the effort and attention to detail his team puts in are thoroughly undermined by the DRM.

(By the way, I'm not just one lost sale... I was going to buy multiple copies to reflect the value (to me) of the sim. Yes, I'm that sort of a nutjob. I might have used the spare copies to try to grow the market for flightsims a little bit by handing the copies out to friends)

Seriously? It would appear to be a one time online connection requirement to activate the game much as many many games have currently, what form of DRM would it need to have for you to consider purchasing it or do you really expect UBI to ship it with any form of DRM whatsoever?
I wonder... Oleg mentioned a few weeks back that it would be available on Steam upon release, maybe it'll just use Steamworks?
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