IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Yea it will take some getting used to, like knowing how hard you can push the plane in flight, as its quite easy to stall these old birds at times, plus how to shoot, convergence, distance, leading the shot, flying a damaged plane, landing said damaged plane, and landing full stop.
Yea it will take some getting used to, like knowing how hard you can push the plane in flight, as its quite easy to stall these old birds at times, plus how to shoot, convergence, distance, leading the shot, flying a damaged plane, landing said damaged plane, and landing full stop.
So this really is a sim type game? Sounds good fun :D
Now to find the best place for the goodies as I don't think OcUK sell them :(
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I'll be honest, that looks a really good game. Not played a WW2 dog fighter type game for a while, maybe dust off the old joystick and give this a punt.

Will this be full on sim, or can you knock it down a tad and play it as a dog fighter and not worry about too much other then level flight, landing and take off? I don't need to be a whiz at map reading, flaps and trims etc do I...?? I just want to take off, shoot lots of stuff and land.. lol
So this really is a sim type game? Sounds good fun :D
Now to find the best place for the goodies as I don't think OcUK sell them :(

They sell the stick, but not the TrackIR but a lot of the other common stores will do it. And yes as sim like as you want.

I'll be honest, that looks a really good game. Not played a WW2 dog fighter type game for a while, maybe dust off the old joystick and give this a punt.

Will this be full on sim, or can you knock it down a tad and play it as a dog fighter and not worry about too much other then level flight, landing and take off? I don't need to be a whiz at map reading, flaps and trims etc do I...?? I just want to take off, shoot lots of stuff and land.. lol

Nah there will be levels of realism i would imagine just like IL-2 1946, where by you can tailor it to your flying wants and needs, like even air starts if you so wish, unlimited ammo and fuel, and even no damage, But when you start going online a lot of the servers wont have those things on, as the aim is to kill the other guy with limited ammo and limited fuel for when you hit the fuel tanks etc.
The main aim is to get home safely :p

Virtual war campaigns are, literally, for the win. You can rack up as many points as you like, but if you die, you start again from a big fat Zero! :D
Yep, it'll be very adjustable but it'll most rewarding with all the settings on :)

Agreed, but awesome anyhow. Provided I can take off, shoot lots of stuff, marvel at the graphics lol and land then all good.

If I get any good I'll up the realism. I just love dog fights - who remembers Knights of the Sky on the Amiga? That was awesome back in the day.. Nothing better then flying around, shooting planes down and going home to land..!!

Was that Microsoft Combat Simulator that was WW2 as well? seem to remember playing some MS flight sim where it was dog fighting.. Was awesome fun... Little cross hair, pressing fire button to try and blow some plane out the sky... lol tat tat tat tat...!!
My opinion (Just my opinion, and I maybe completely wrong).

The "older" IL2 vets seem to be mainly the ones kicking off about the Steamworks integration, essentially, they have never had to use a service like Steam before so they have the same trepidations that some of that PC gaming community went through years ago.

They are steadfastly refusing to believe that Steam is good and anyone who says so is just trying to create propaganda on behalf of Ubisoft. I think it is only a few, but some of them are complete nut jobs who has older people, I would expect to have better manners.

They are trying to pick fault with the Steam integration any way possible without realising it is the best thing to happen to the game.

One guy posted this:

guess the full cockpit i would like to build (completely isolated from the internet) is a no go then

Must be very old and very stupid.
I would have to agree with you on that Gimpymoo, in my Sqd we have a few oldies and by that i mean 60 year old+ some of whom actually flew the planes in real life, but none the less they are refusing to buy it because of the steamworks thing, and despite many of us trying to tell them its not a bad thing but a good thing, they are holding fast on their opinion. Also a few other Sqd's we fly against share the same view and will not buy it. But in saying that, im sure once its been out for a few days and the good reports flood in, they will buy it.
Does get confusing with all the DRM that UBISOFT uses. So this is now a steamworks title, so that's not a bad thing now is it?

Everyone who plays PC games shouldn't have a problem with installing Steam to get a game up and running. I did this way back in 2003 ?? to get Half Life 2 up and running. And back then Steam was still very early and new so had problems...

Today its fairly simple and gives pretty much zero problems..

Oh, anyone know if you could play this with a 360 gamepad? I know I know.. Sounds silly but I always have a gamepad connected, so if I can just load up, turn the realism down and get to the skys and shoot stuff, I'm buying this 100%... Love WW2 games..
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