IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Well that is very old are you?

I am 32, and probably equally as stupid :)

The comment probably came across not as I intended and I appreciate it may have sounded disrespectful but the sentiment remains.

As I said though, just my opinion, and I maybe completely wrong :)
I am 32, and probably equally as stupid :)

The comment probably came across not as I intended and I appreciate it may have sounded disrespectful but the sentiment remains.

As I said though, just my opinion, and I maybe completely wrong :)

Fair enough.

Are Il-2 fans being forced to rent through Steam? I read somewhere they could also buy it conventionally, so I don't understand the issue.
I really hope I like it. Will start out by getting the joystick and if I like it then I'll get me a Trackir 5 I think :D
Steam is not needed for this game for function

That is a reason why some people are against it (including myself)

I have no problem if Ubi want to sell a version on steam
but forcing everyone to use steam (even those who dont buy from steam)
is a bad idea.

I like to buy games not rent them , to clarify this statement i will elaborate

If I buy a normal game from a shop and install it , I own it.
I can install it play it remove it if I want ..... and check this AMAZING fact out

If I dont like the game or get bored with it I CAN SELL IT.
^ Ownership

If I rent a game from steam , I will be allowed to use it for as long as steam says so.
If my account get hacked or I get banned for any reason .... guess what
I no longer can access the game.
If I want to sell it on ... tough
If my account get hacked or I get banned for any reason .... guess what
I no longer can access the game.
If I want to sell it on ... tough

As long as you're not a retard when it comes to the confidentiality of your usernames/passwords/security questions/email addresses then the likelyhood of your account being hacked is virtually zero. In regards to the selling on well most shops don't even accept trade ins for PC games anymore and if you want to sell it on privately a lot of new games require one use codes to play online, especially EA ones. Being able to sell games on isn't really a massive deal unless you're dead poor, PC games don't go for much second hand.

I've used it for 8 years without a problem and to be honest, if you're that a hardcore fan with IL2 and never sold it then this shouldn't be a problem, but I do understand some people always want to be able to sell their games, I don't really care.

Also you can get your account back by simply verifying a few details that nobody else can unless they know everything about you from address to card details and access to your email.

You know, steam is a great idea, better an all in one piece of software instead of 10, second rate apps that different game developers want you to install. Steam, Uplay, Windows Live, (whatever else there is), and possibly more, no thanks, just one.

It's lightweight, runs on less resources than a browsers, auto updates IF you want, you can back it up to a DVD/other HDD etc.

Oh and if you really want to sell it, make separate steam accounts if it's the only thing stopping you. But that's such a exhausting and long process for each game.

Basically everything that people complain you can't do, you can.
They just don't want to hear it, don't care, are ignorant and stupid.
I fond it most enlightening that it's the so called die hard fans who are most upset about it using steam and at the same time they are the ones moaning about being able to resell a £35 game that they've been waiting for since 2005...
You know, steam is a great idea, better an all in one piece of software instead of 10, second rate apps that different game developers want you to install. Steam, Uplay, Windows Live, (whatever else there is), and possibly more, no thanks, just one.

What do you think of the Impulse model in comparison to Steam?
To all those who wish to troll about me not buying the game, no I don't bitch about DRM due to me wanting to install it on many PCs.

Steam has MANY problems with games that are moddable for the most part, why do I know this? Because I deal with users every day of the week who use Arma 2 which is a highly moddable game, who constantly have issues.

I like to mod my games... Steam generally prevents people doing this to some extent, often making it harder to do so for people who are not clued up. I don't want the game crying about some integrity of my files because the OH SO COOL drm wishes me to have version X instead of Y when I play with colleagues.

This being a prime example -

So yes... that is why I don't wish to purchase the game anymore, I for one will be waiting for a few more niche games from smaller developers to come out later this year.
What do you think of the Impulse model in comparison to Steam?

I need more information about it.

Steam has MANY problems with games that are moddable for the most part, why do I know this? Because I deal with users every day of the week who use Arma 2 which is a highly moddable game, who constantly have issues.

More to the end that these people don't do things right, I also play arma/arma2/oa and have been since day one, every week almost in a big group and they don't have problems.
When people do, usually it's because they did not follow the guides precisely.
You can mod arma2 fine with steam.

As well as being able to with the IL2 version of steam, which I also have done.
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I fond it most enlightening that it's the so called die hard fans who are most upset about it using steam and at the same time they are the ones moaning about being able to resell a £35 game that they've been waiting for since 2005...

Not thought of it that way - lol

We (as a forum) I think have mostly accepted digital distribution as gamers with its benefits and restrictions, I think digital distribution is a new concept to some if all they have done is play IL2 for the last 10 years and not really into other gaming.

What do you think of the Impulse model in comparison to Steam?

It is badly managed as a company (Stardock) and they are VERY short sighted with laughable distribution contracts and offers nowhere near the amount of usefull features set which Steam does. What has Stardock done to help build the gaming digital distribution business?

I have an Impulse account and games download at a reasonable speed but that is all it does. Steam adds value in the form of Cloud saves for example which is such a simple service but one I now cant do without as I game on more than one PC.

Without Steam, would have many people have Impulse accounts, probably not.

GOO is a great idea but Stardock come across as envious they did not come up with Steam (In its current form) first. Stardock had the headstart over Steam with Stardock Central but they did not have the foresight and only started selling games after seeing how sucessfull Steam was. Ultimately, GOO is the way forward but we have a long way to go yet.

Sure, a monopoly is not a good thing if the monopoly does not benefit the consumer but Valve are constantly improving their platform and that is why it is as popular as it is, it is good and it works.

Stardock are not a gaming company and it shows, Valve are, and it shows as they know what gamers want.

Steam can be bettered, but at the moment nobody wants wants make anything better, they just want to moan about how many users Steam has. It has soo many has the majority like what it offers.

One thing which has hindered PC gaming over recent years is fragmentation, Steam is a counter measure to this.

Direct2Drive and Gamersgate said they would never sell Steam activated games, a while later and they are selling them, says it all.

I am not saying Steam is the almighty being, BUT at the this present time (and for a long time to come) it is by far the best there is.
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