IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

I meant that many of the game in the store are not purchasable in my region, BFBC2 is one of many:

I don't see what's laughable about that. Impulse have said they'd like to distribute every game in every region, why wouldn't they? The trouble is the publishers are not giving them the rights. Funny how you are happy to blame the publishers for the often exorbitant pricing on steam, (no doubt with some justification), yet you think another company is 'laughable' when they are subject to the publisher's whim.

As you said though in your previous post, it is a chicken/egg thing but they cannot gaine market share if I cannot purchase a game from them which I can purchase from Steam.

That's right...and it's not a laughable situation for PC gamers.

Valve, I would imagine, have a very well managed marketing department. For example, I dont think Steamworks titles appear in their lap, I would imagine they have to pitch their wares to the publishers.

I suspect titles do pretty much drop in their lap actually, at least now they are so successful, and I don't doubt they are well managed.

If Stardock was better managed, surely they would have better distribution contracts, more exclusives thus making themselves more competitive and gaining more market share?

Right. So you don't really know if Stardock is badly managed. Okay.

They are in a unique situation where they could sell third party applications but for some reason choose not to.

Could say the same for Steam?

I would love to be able to purchase applications such as Nero for example on Impulse, would make installing much much simpler and make product key management easier too. Again though, management dictate.

Again...I didn't know Stardock's management dictates that.

They have taken more than a few swipes at Steam in the past just because they are a competitor. I just dont see why else they would do that when they should be focusing on making their own platform better.

So if they've produced more than a few you wont have trouble giving an example of one of these swipes? :rolleyes:

The above is not "fanbois" just my personal views.

There's a difference? :D Sorry.

I wanted to like Impulse but got very frustrated when it was clear I was unable to purchase most of the game I wanted.

Well I absolutely agree, bloody frustrating... I don't automatically blame Impulse/Stardock though. Saying that, you could argue that they are being stubborn in trying to negotiate non-regional pricing.

Another point...there has been a suggestion that Valve have negotiated sole worldwide digital distribution rights with many publishers. That is bad news for PC gamers if true. It makes it almost impossible for the competition.

Did you buy Sins of a Solar Empire BTW?
As someone else put it on Rock Paper Shotgun, we're buying games which the publishers want to treat as a licensed service, but they provide no promises or warranty and reserve the right to supply nothing, so what exactly does our money buy if we don't own the games and the service can be terminated without compensation?

People should start thinking about as a licence rather than a purchase. I don't have a problem with that...if the price is right.
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Software (including games) have *always* been under those conditions. Seriously, read the EULA of any piece of software you have ever purchased. You do not own it.
Software (including games) have *always* been under those conditions. Seriously, read the EULA of any piece of software you have ever purchased. You do not own it.

The difference is that now the publishers have the ability to remotely enforce the EULA. They didn't have that ability before, so the EULA had no real effect and could be ignored.
Finished a first prototype for the wireless head tracker.

Issues I have:
- The LEDs have a peripheral flare that slightly confuses the TrackIR camera and it sometimes jitters.
- The unit needs to be pretty precise in the LED positioning or else it translates the movement wrong or worse not at all.
- With the headband that I've used the LEDs are too close to the side of my face so when I turn my head to the left too far the camera loses sight of them.

Other than that - it actually works pretty well - once I shift the LEDs out from the side of my head and clean it up a bit it should be on the money. All up it cost me around £10 - £15 and I could rig another for less if I had another old headset.

Lessons learnt.

- Rig temporarily first so you can correct it later (I know... duh...)
- Use multicore wires - single core is far too rigid

I used the mute switch from the headset as an on/off switch so that it wasn't perminantly on.

Anyway - photos:




Finished a first prototype for the wireless head tracker.

Issues I have:
- The LEDs have a peripheral flare that slightly confuses the TrackIR camera and it sometimes jitters.
- The unit needs to be pretty precise in the LED positioning or else it translates the movement wrong or worse not at all.
- With the headband that I've used the LEDs are too close to the side of my face so when I turn my head to the left too far the camera loses sight of them.

Other than that - it actually works pretty well - once I shift the LEDs out from the side of my head and clean it up a bit it should be on the money. All up it cost me around £10 - £15 and I could rig another for less if I had another old headset.

Lessons learnt.

- Rig temporarily first so you can correct it later (I know... duh...)
- Use multicore wires - single core is far too rigid

I used the mute switch from the headset as an on/off switch so that it wasn't perminantly on.

Anyway - photos:

That looks pretty good actually, one thing I can maybe add to the leds not working right, they need to be filed flat and then buffed shiny again. this then gives it a nice flat profile.
That looks pretty good actually, one thing I can maybe add to the leds not working right, they need to be filed flat and then buffed shiny again. this then gives it a nice flat profile.

Yeah I had a think about that - the only thing I'd be concerned about is losing the designed lensing that is in these. Worth a try tho I guess.
It was stated sometime back that dedicated server software would be available upon release, hopefully this will not have changed in the meatime.
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