IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Make sure it shows version 1.02.14821 or later on the menu screen else it'll be the utter mess that we got at launch.
Just purchased from the getgames site. Put the code into Steam and it's now downloading. Easy!! Looking forward to giving this a good go.

What is the file size? My downloads max at around 125kb/sec where I am at the moment, so get the feeling I wont bother til I get a disc version.
What is the file size? My downloads max at around 125kb/sec where I am at the moment, so get the feeling I wont bother til I get a disc version.

Are you downloading via steam?

Guys, how the mp community with CoD now? and how is the mp performance? Is it in hyperlobby yet?

Small at the moment, there's a bug with the sound and a few other issues that will hopefully get fixed soon, not on hyperlobby yet as the game has built in support for server browsing and lobbies.
sorry, not impressed, hopefully yet another patch will improve it, shocking state to release a game in though.
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