Firstly, I'm glad that your lady is ok and not letting these things ruin her life.
It seems to me that it's an attitude thing ..... it displays a fair bit on here too, though not as often as it used to now the "would you hit it/do you think she's hot" threads have gone.
"we lads" are constantly making remarks that younger males pick up on; mostly, these remarks are in jest and macho bravado/pubescence etc but it fosters that ethos of women being "sexual objects".
I don't want to come over as a puritan with no sense of humour but what the OP is angry about does get treated lightly here with all manner of jokes etc ..... only recently there was a "punch her in the ovaries" comment followed by pml, roflmao etc.
Being proud of ones body and feeling good about displaying it does not equate to "I'm anybody's, please feel free to assault me" either.
Yes, I am old and yes, I do remember what it's for etc but the sort of behaviour and comments mentioned should not be tolerated or encouraged IMO.
/ Meldrew.
Now then, where's my concubine?