Due to the fast reactions of our Security Personal and based on the information received simulatorman, I can report that ‘Bouncy’ has been apprehended. Due to the nature of the life form it has been passed to me for examination:
Report 01/02/04/09:
‘Bouncy’ from Zybos is in fact not the ‘Hot Alien Chick’ that she entered the station as. When examined it became apparent that this life form is not actually from Zybos at all, but from a much darker sector of our galaxy – the planet Qua-nix.
The life form now identified as a male ‘Qua-Nixian’ (name unknown) has stated that it used deception in order to gain access to our stations research and development facilities – one can only assume it chose to disguise itself as a ‘Hot Alien Chick’ so it could compromise a member of crew.
I advise anyone who has had an ‘encounter’ with ‘Bouncy’ to get themselves checked out at the medical bay as a matter of urgency. (The male Qua-Nixian is able to impregnate male humans)
Please note - The Qua-Nixian Space Authorities have ordered the life forms immediate destruction, but this is not necessary as the life form only has a life span of 7 days. By my account this leaves 'Bouncy' with a few more hours until it dissolves into Bovril. (You can tell a Qua-Nixians age by the pixels and the fact I've seen a few of these in my time)
Alien Liaison Officer