I'm going to build a space station

Unfortunately AcidHell2 is our rail gun operator (or fortunately depending on how you rate him at the hands of such a gun) and as such this position is taken, please contact me asap suggesting your new position.

Our red shirts work extremely hard in the day to day running of the station's security, I hope that the specific deceased red shirt is named in the near future, as their anonymousity makes it hard to contact their earthly family, if indeed they have one. I am sad to hear of the death and will work hard to ensure that risk is limited on further voyages.

Please could the pilots make sure that they reset the ship controls to default settings after all periods of flight to further reduce risk of pilot error.

Regrettably the toilets on deck Q have been shut for a number of days and I would urge people to use the 'rapidlift' system to go to another deck to use the toilet, rather than doing your 'duty' in the corridors. As well as being messy and smelly this may also cause the 'goody eggs' to have a suitable nourishment and I'm sure the cleaning staff want to get about their business efficiently and properly, rather than having to call in security experts.

On another note, Brian Stuart has been appointed Head of Judicial Systems at this traumatic time, and I would like to wish him the best of luck in his new post.

Any other requests or news would be extremely appreciated.

Your Captain,


Crew lists updated.

Only one rail gun? I don't mean to question your authority sir, but perhaps if we had more than one we wouldn't have seen the recent casualties...
bennyboy2606, my PA and PA's PA is leading blue squadron.

At the moment we do not have a brown squadron leader, though I'm thinking of approaching Von.

benny, draft a letter.
Good going on the way we have made it through the recent disasters people, our losses will makes us stronger.

The first redshirt to die seems to have been forgotten, I have been digging through our archives to find that he was simply called "Bob" but he was however the kind soul who bought 75 cans of sweetcorn onto the station with him, all we can be thankful for is that his memory will live on in yellow smattery chunks of food!

Can our head chef please amend all sweetcorn cans with "In Memory - Bob" on the base please, he must not be forgotten.

Navi wise, all is well, apologies for the minor hiccup yesterday, space navigation is no easy feat, especially as our main navigation console seems to have our faithful pilot Wez jumping onto it and tabbing to 2aliens1dish.com :(

Could I please have someone come put a secuiry code on my console please?

Who do I approach in order to see about getting the station's hull painted? I've got the brushes ready, just need to find out what colour everyone wants...
I vote for Rainbow colours!

int, once accepted please make your way to the cupboard marked "certain death items" and recieve your complimentary red shirt!

Welcome aboard!
I would like to apply to the space station crew as a maintenance officer. Those ships are gonna need servicing and tuning up, I reckon I'm the guy for the job!
who intitially attempted to sell electronics equipment to the ships crew

People, lets try and keep all spending on the books please. Makes the quarterly financial reviews so much easier. You all get paid far too much as it is so if you feel the need to purchase some novelty items, please don't charge it to the company account.
I would like to apologise for my lack of activity over the past few (pages)
It appears we have an inter-dimensional rift in my laboratory toilet facilities.
I have been away battering vast quantities of Goodys. But with the help of some rather large muscular Jamaicans (with far better weapons than us) I managed to kill the Queen egg laying goody.

I managed to escape the goody dimension by kicking one of the Jamaicans in the nuts and diving through the rift, which i promptly blocked up with a book case.

Fingers crossed we will be seeing no more Goody eggs! Although any Goodys currently on the station may still need to be dealt with...

Astroomgdidthatcomefromspaceoliogy Specialist
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