Man of Honour
You need a squadron of combat ships.
I am more than willing to be the squadron leader
Need more than one squadron. Do you want to be blue or red?
You need a squadron of combat ships.
I am more than willing to be the squadron leader
I shall take red, if you don't mindNeed more than one squadron. Do you want to be blue or red?
Yes Sir!!Red squadron leader, report to my office 9am sharp for debriefing.
Unfortunately AcidHell2 is our rail gun operator (or fortunately depending on how you rate him at the hands of such a gun) and as such this position is taken, please contact me asap suggesting your new position.
Our red shirts work extremely hard in the day to day running of the station's security, I hope that the specific deceased red shirt is named in the near future, as their anonymousity makes it hard to contact their earthly family, if indeed they have one. I am sad to hear of the death and will work hard to ensure that risk is limited on further voyages.
Please could the pilots make sure that they reset the ship controls to default settings after all periods of flight to further reduce risk of pilot error.
Regrettably the toilets on deck Q have been shut for a number of days and I would urge people to use the 'rapidlift' system to go to another deck to use the toilet, rather than doing your 'duty' in the corridors. As well as being messy and smelly this may also cause the 'goody eggs' to have a suitable nourishment and I'm sure the cleaning staff want to get about their business efficiently and properly, rather than having to call in security experts.
On another note, Brian Stuart has been appointed Head of Judicial Systems at this traumatic time, and I would like to wish him the best of luck in his new post.
Any other requests or news would be extremely appreciated.
Your Captain,
Crew lists updated.
Yes Sir!!
By the way, Who's leading blue squadron?
who intitially attempted to sell electronics equipment to the ships crew