A few bits
- Digital Calliper - always wanted one
- Helping hands, I plan on doing custom PSU cables so this will come in handy.
- 3 pack of braided USB-C cables
- Glass scorer
- Mayhems Pastel Light Gray 1L
- 3 x 50mm of Mayhems Glass Tubing. I doubt I need more than half of this but I also expect to make a load of mistakes so I am contingency planning
- Digital Calliper - always wanted one
- Helping hands, I plan on doing custom PSU cables so this will come in handy.
- 3 pack of braided USB-C cables
- Glass scorer
- Mayhems Pastel Light Gray 1L
- 3 x 50mm of Mayhems Glass Tubing. I doubt I need more than half of this but I also expect to make a load of mistakes so I am contingency planning