Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Got them for £6.
My Razer DeathAdder Chroma came today, along with the mechanic Razer keyboard and Vertagear chair (From OCUK) i'm almost happy... Just need a wider desk and PC unit going underneath to give me more desk space. My man cave / office (With sofa bed, compromise with the wife...)

First 26650 cells


To power a new face burner - Convoy L6


Pretty accurate budget RMS multimeter


And a copy of this, which has seen 0 minutes of MP fun so far.

Those SanDisk USBs were on an Amazon flash sale yesterday, and I very nearly bought one...except there seemed to be numerous complaints about them overheating and then their capacity showing as just 32GB after said overheating.

Is that due to incompetent Amazon folk, or a genuine issue?

I had the 16gb version plugged permanently into my laptop, it was never accessed and only ever used to backup my work files once a month, it stayed cool and worked a treat for almost 5 months, the laptop is a desktop replacement so it's never moved or battered around, then i noticed the black plastic end had fallen off, when i reconnected it and put it back in it still worked fine, but the heat from it was crazy within seconds it would get roasting warm, i don't keep it connected anymore,

I'm not sure if usb pens are designed for what i was using it for, constantly plugged in, but ill not be doing it again
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