Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

as my sofa pics got removed. Thought I would show the chair I have bought instead.

Just picked this up from OcUK.

Heheh thanks for all the Rollermat reply's guys, you are all correct in it is a toilet roll so to speak for my Marine tank fish and what it does is collect all the fish poo, uneaten food, debris that goes down the overflow and this collects it and polishes the water at the end, for those that have marines the system has a few stages of filtration and this is the first stage of that, what us marine fish keepers use filter socks, just like a pair of socks that collect the waste, but these only last about 3 days before they need replaced which i find not really practical as i work away from home often and my reef can suffer :), will be a few weeks before i install as getting a bespoke sump made for me to fit it in with all the new plumbing it needs.

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you must be rich :)

quite fancy one of those mself when i saw it released but no space and filter floss does for me :)

It's only £385? That's less than the filter I used for my pond. Cool looking peice of gear - I keep contemplating a marine tank to compliment my tropical setup.
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