Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Early prime-day deal, £199.99 pair. Singles £109.99.

I have a lot of plants and not having big windows makes it really difficult to get ones that are happy.

Would love a place with skylights!
Grow lights my friend. I've got some chilli plants fruiting nicely in my study which is north-facing with a small window.
Grow lights my friend. I've got some chilli plants fruiting nicely in my study which is north-facing with a small window.

I just got a grown light bulb for my terrarium, damn the thing won't stop growing now.

North facing living room, and Scotland - so pretty much zero light.
Leicester?! My bro-in-law has a place in a new development, which looks very similar.

Get snagging! I found tons of build issues with his place, think the developer was good old Bar
Northumberland :cool:
Nice to see the Help to Buy and Own New schemes are helping give people a push onto the property ladder. :D
No schemes used here, The National Lottery funded it. ;)
Northumberland :cool:

No schemes used here, The National Lottery funded it. ;)
I'm intrigued to see how this new house changes your look on things. Your approach to spending your winnings was really unusual at first and I couldn't understand your fancy car in your terraced house etc.

Having more space, security, comfort etc will likely be a huuuge change to your life. Quite interesting.
Grow lights my friend. I've got some chilli plants fruiting nicely in my study which is north-facing with a small window.

They are so ugly though. I have one in dark corner of my office. But I'd rather get jungle dwelling plants that are low light tolerant than have lights hanging everywhere
I'm intrigued to see how this new house changes your look on things. Your approach to spending your winnings was really unusual at first and I couldn't understand your fancy car in your terraced house etc.

Having more space, security, comfort etc will likely be a huuuge change to your life. Quite interesting.
I find this very British attitude to homes a bit odd. I've lived in everything from tiny apartments to big detached houses with an acre of land over the years. In a terrace at the moment.

I don't feel like it makes any material difference to my life what sort of property I'm in. The main material difference is bigger houses with more land need more money and time to maintain, which is a strong negative in my mind :p
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