Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

What OS are you and others using? I'd love to use Windows Server as it's an area I know little about but the cost of it is quite a bit

My RPi2 is going to be set up as the Plex client to play stuff on the telly.

Running the latest Ubuntu desktop release (I like a pretty GUI) but was definitely tempted by Windows, but the cost of the OS kind of goes against the idea of a cheap home server, plus the amount of open source stuff (Pi-Hole and Transmission are two lovely little low resource programmes which are just so damn useful) available for Linux makes it the better choice :)

Some High Strung/ Nashvuille tuning to go on my New Epiphone EA22VS arriving Wednesday.

Will give me some more recording avenues in my studio.
Starter seriously its one key to the left.

But i should point out ive been typing badly long before glaucus started posting from his tablet.

This is just as bad as when the toaster stole my identity and everyone thinks im named after cookware
Sadly my head is not of such epic proportions :(

So are the hue starter kits not tied to thier hubs as reviews have said they are
Picked up a GoPro Session for my brother as a Birthday pressie.

Had a few vouchers and a refund on the rainforest to use up so treated myself to some gadgets :)

I will explain :)

The started kits cost as much as single bulbs,the bulbs are NOT tied to the hub,all you have to do is manually add the bulbs to your first hub,i have all 6 working just fine with the echo dot.
I will explain :)

The started kits cost as much as single bulbs,the bulbs are NOT tied to the hub,all you have to do is manually add the bulbs to your first hub,i have all 6 working just fine with the echo dot.


Im looking at getting a few and this will save me a load. Reviews might have been american maybe but it pointed this out saying that buying rhe starter kits didnt work to save money.

Reviwer might have just been an idiot though

Oh btw how bright would you say they are equivilent to in nornal bulbs?
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