Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Bet you're in heaven :D:)

We've already decided we're moving here. Immigration lawyers already involved 'n errythang. Dunno if I'll pull it off but I'm going to give it my best shot. I'll scribble down a proper post when I'm back home (currently sat in Beijing Airport, yuk, never again).

I was pleasantly surprised that each block apart from the blue one has no wires so you can arrange it however you want.

Where did you get the light from, I would like this for my office.

Urgh, how very droll.

There seems to be quite a few different makes and styles, some with more wires than one, hence why I asked where he/she got it from.
Droll maybe but just amazes me that people struggle (or can't be bothered) to find such easily obtainable information to the point where asking for it from others takes longer.
I've decided to head back to the analog world. It already feels better than clicking play.

I honestly can't say I've ever heard vinyl sound this good. I have a few upgrades planned to the setup over the coming weeks, but it already sounds beautiful.



The turntable is a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB. I was about to get the Debut Carbon, but I knew that I will often play singles. The thought of having to lift off the platter and then move the drive belt to the 45rpm gear would quickly drive me insane. The Esprit has a built in speed controller at a push of a button.

The phono stage is currently a Denon integrated amp. But, I have plans for something valve flavoured for the phono stage.

The amount of enjoyment I've had out of this setup over the past few days is crazy; physically handling vinyl, appreciating the cover art and placing the stylus down. I was a child when I was given a turntable and a handful of singles. My experience since then has been a little limited to purchasing singles for a brief moment in time. Sitting down and listening to an album from start to finish with this media is something else.
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