Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

8 Feb 2004
Like some sort of pocket? Perhaps in the trouser region?

Yes a pocket is excellent when I take wallet out of the house to run some errands or see to some tasks. When I get home though I like to take it out (the wallet!) and pop it somewhere. If strategically placed the wallet stand could facilitate the wallet acting as a quasi ornament while in the house. Also it would reduce my chance of misplacing it if I had the motivation to always put it in the same place. Seems like a no brainer to me!
27 Apr 2011
Yes a pocket is excellent when I take wallet out of the house to run some errands or see to some tasks. When I get home though I like to take it out (the wallet!) and pop it somewhere. If strategically placed the wallet stand could facilitate the wallet acting as a quasi ornament while in the house. Also it would reduce my chance of misplacing it if I had the motivation to always put it in the same place. Seems like a no brainer to me!

I get around the whole issue by just leaving it in my pocket. so I've saved money on an expensive wallet-stand too!
29 Jan 2008
If strategically placed the wallet stand could facilitate the wallet acting as a quasi ornament while in the house. Also it would reduce my chance of misplacing it if I had the motivation to always put it in the same place. Seems like a no brainer to me!

WTF???? :D

I'm pretty skeptical re: the utility of a wallet as an ornament, I'd also not want to leave something containing cash, bank cards etc.. on display for any visitor to the house (tradesmen/delivery people/cleaners etc..) to potentially either swipe or remove a note or two from.
8 Feb 2004
WTF???? :D

I'm pretty skeptical re: the utility of a wallet as an ornament, I'd also not want to leave something containing cash, bank cards etc.. on display for any visitor to the house (tradesmen/delivery people/cleaners etc..) to potentially either swipe or remove a note or two from.

Not just an ornament but a phallic work of art if you will. As soon as any other male enters my home they will be instantly reduced to a beta mindset when they catch a glimpse of my wallet sat proudly on its proverbial throne.

You seriously think anyone is going to steal from someone with a wallet stand? Nothing screams 'don't even think about messing with me' like a wallet stand does. Nothing.
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