Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Surely you buy art because you like/love it? Not thinking of making a few quid down the line.

The vast majority of art these days is bought as an investment. A lot of pension schemes for example purchase major pieces (7 and 8 figure sums).
Bit boring I know, but I love the to programme, so at a fiver reduced from £20 I grabbed it. It's good and a good accompaniment to the series.


Few bits and some memory, i think the memory is going back though as it's being pushed slightly by the cpu heatsink.

Probably the tallest memory i've ever seen.
£1600 more expensive?

Because they've spent all their money on a print.

Actually because my dad died suddenly and we want to be closer to my mum. The print was a joint gift that we love, we're never going to sell it so who cares what it's worth? It certainly beats having the same ikea/next/wherever pictures as everyone else on the wall.

Also, it's not really a print. It's a series of very similar pictures, it has original oil and gold leaf bits etc.
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