Images of items I have purchased.

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Just back from Sal, Cape Verde and bought 2 canvas pictures. Both about 5 feet wide.
^ Good luck.

This doesn't form a very good single picture so I put the end result together in a series of pictures and played them back at 30fps... (The labour of an electrician to install the motor)

I was waiting for something to come out, then I realised it was the gate you were showing haha.
A lego deathstar?

So a round lego ball with a small hole in it, great.

I just googled lego deathstar, what the hell is that, I don't remember it looking like that.
Have you been broken into before? the rest of the houses in that video look normal, yours looks like a fortress! :eek:

Trifid what the hell lol... This day is getting weirder by the minute...

Your neighbours must think you are actually mental or sheltering an Al Qaeda training compound.

Or an Indian.

Indians love those gates, and pillars.

Usually see this sort of thing in my area on ex council house type estates. Everything open plan apart from one or two special cases where they got 9ft high fences around the drive to house their BMW X5. Usually drug dealers. :D
Dji F550 hexrotor in the process of being built


Some shots from the Dji Phantom I posted about previously:





And a vid
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