Images of items I have purchased.

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the annoying thing is the numpty infront of me could clearly move forward :mad:

totally agree, he just stopped.

and yes, they were merging, but there was still space

Damn them profiteering councils !!!!


Box junctions. These have criss-cross yellow lines painted on the road (download ‘Road markings’ (PDF, 731KB)). You MUST NOT enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear. However, you may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right, and are only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right. At signalled roundabouts you MUST NOT enter the box unless you can cross over it completely without stopping.
Law TSRGD regs 10(1) & 29(2)
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Wanted a travel acoustic for a while to take to London when i'm down there working, so picked up a Yamaha APX T2, and honestly this thing is an absolute joy to play.

Just received mine today and also not very happy. The screen is nice and crisp but the colours are awful. I was going to have this and give my ipad mini to the wife but tbh it's going back and will get another mini. The ipad is a lot nicer to use.

Same here - took the Nexus back and kept the Mini. I don't dare mention it in the tablet forum though as you get called a fanboy despite me only owning two Apple products ever :rolleyes:

The Android guys just seem really weird about people who don't like their products as if those people are stupid for not doing so :confused:
Well no as already stated above the law is:
"You MUST NOT enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear."

Yes the guy could have moved but we all know what happens when you assume... :p
Can you not appeal that? Yes you're in the box and yes the lane merges but the car in front has just stopped with plenty of room to spare - it's his fault not yours.

You should go and read the highway code if you think it's not his fault :p
And to think, if the snail in front had edged a bit more forward you could have avoided it!
A couple of bits & pieces for my Eunos I'm picking up tomorrow :).


Chrome trimmed reflectors, repeaters, side covers, xenon main bulbs (accidently purchased two boxes... oopps!) & new headlights (with angel eyes)
This month has been expensive enough...and its about to get a lot more expensive I feel.

ooooh deeeaaar.
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