Images of items I have purchased.

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Just a word of warning, I forgot about this but the sleeve that comes with it is cheese, seriously. I binned it the moment it came out of the envelope haha.
The Reeboks each ended up in 6 different parts! -they were minty clean though

High backs are the way forward, way better for comfort, moshpits and mud because they dont fly off your feet!

I tried on some Nikes similar to yours but were more casual. I almost bought both after about 15 minutes of annoying the sales woman :) (decided against it as would gave cost me £160)

Admittedly I don't do much moshpitting but I do need some decent ones. I seem to go through shoes really quickly so hoping these will last, but we'll see.
Buys one cool thing in 2 months (cd's, a 3ds and pokemon Y aren't picture worthy)

It's AMAZING, miles better than my old 4 and I have binned off vodafone so can actually use my phone...
1.5kg of Biltong

Have to agree, that case is absolutely stunning.

Seeing all this hardware porn recently has made me start looking at current hardware (haven't done properly since I switched to Macs years ago and have on and off kept in the loop)

I even specced up a gaming rig the other day to see what one to wipe the floor with everything would cost :eek:

I just wish I could get over Windows and how much I hate it :p
What's your beef with Windows?

That case is nice, interior looks identical to the 650D. Does it still have the hotswap SATA docking bay on top?
What's your beef with Windows?

Well, its not so much a 'beef' - I quite like Windows 7 on the whole I just massively prefer how OSX works and runs for day to day usage. There isn't one thing that one can do that the other can't, that divide is long gone. I use W7 everyday at work and agree its a fantastic operation system, but its OSX for me at home and for personal use :p
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