Images of items I have purchased.

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Well, its not so much a 'beef' - I quite like Windows 7 on the whole I just massively prefer how OSX works and runs for day to day usage. There isn't one thing that one can do that the other can't, that divide is long gone. I use W7 everyday at work and agree its a fantastic operation system, but its OSX for me at home and for personal use :p

Hmm fair enough! I just know I wouldn't be able to do many things on OSX that I can do on Windows (considering I have no other Apple devices either).
New pair of New Balance and Timberlands

That's one beautiful case. Is it noticeably quieter than your last? I'd love one of these.

Whisper quiet :) My last case was a Silverstone FT01 which wasn't exactly noisy to begin with.

I would recommend voltage regulators for the stock corsair fans if you plan to use them though.
Exactly what is it meant to be ray?

It's a canvas?

(look closer)

Original is a person sitting in a café, reading a magazine, and the posters on the wall is the art and the magazine blends/hide the person into the scene.

The bottom photo is the same person with the print up at her house, doing a similar pose.
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She looks to have changed her hair colour. :p Is it two posters or just photos?

The first photo I took last year when I was with her in Atlanta.

The second photo is the canvas on her front room wall, with her sitting there in front doing the same pose. The original was an impromptu, we sat there at a table by that wall having coffee (you can see the coffee cup) and there was magazines on the table. She was reading one of these, I stood up and stood back to see the posters on the wall because it was cool but frame it in a way that she is a little blended into the background due to the back of the magazine.

Fast forward 12 months. She has had a rough couple of months of late, the latest was her 3 year old German Shepard died and she was heart broken. I forwarded the digital file and paypal some money to her sister who lives about 45 mins away and got it made and gave it to her as a present (as opposed to me sending over a canvas in the post from this side of the pond)

In the photo she had just had a shower, so the hair was wet, hence it is darker.
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Bought a couple of bars of this online, one for me, one for my mum. Apparantly it was a limited edition out over the summer. I dont remember ever seeing it in the shops.

Really nice :)
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