Images of items I have purchased.

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I thought Chris Hadfield's advert for his book was rather amusing, it's his son in the video.

Oh thank goodness! Someone else who lives at number 69. :p


Very smart :)

Very very nice and cudos for keeping the original look.


That looks great. :) Did the people who supplied to door also do the stained glass?

Yes, I designed the layout and colours and the nice lady weaved (?) her magic. The door was made one off as the original had been butchered beyond repair. We took measurements from a neighbours.
Yes, I designed the layout and colours and the nice lady weaved (?) her magic. The door was made one off as the original had been butchered beyond repair. We took measurements from a neighbours.

It's lovely to see something like this being done to keep the original look of the house intact. Money very well spent! :)
Parcelforce sent an email explaining their import charge:

This still doesn't explain why I was charged £58, the package wasn't opened and repackaged or anything else. The handling fee was £8 with £50 set as import tax according to the invoice.

Bugger them.

And I've had in the last two weeks, 2 Pairs of Russian Kirza long boots, 1 Pair of Russian leather long boots, 2 Russian M40 helmets, 1 Russian beskozirka and 3 Russian telnyashka from various suppliers in Russia and Ukraine and didn't get charged a single import charge. On the other hand I ordered a clothing pattern form the States and got whacked with enough charges that it more than doubled the original cost. All that was in the same period, what annoys me the most is the complete randomness as to whether you get a charge or not :mad:
Likewise, I've bought camera lenses and things in the past and not paid import or if I was charged then it was a small fee.

Can't win all the time I guess.
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