Images of items I have purchased.

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It was only £18, which was the cheapest that I found. They have a range to choose from, and they are on sale. I like it! (Especially as I'm currently playing Medieval Total War 2 a lot.)

As soon as I saw the picture I was like 'hmm, wait, familiar" then when you mentioned MTWII I was like 'ahh'. Cool wee helmet though, but erm, I'd kick your ass at it any day sonny. My noble highlanders are invincible. ;)

This month so far the only things of note that I've bought have been a new expansion tank for the car quickly followed by a radiator, suppose I could take pics but cba, away to get water pump thermostat and air con condenser today.
Drool, I have been looking at one of those. whats your verdict?

Sadly the G710 keyboards seem to have rather widespread and serious backlight issues, so I got this instead:


Every bit as good (if not better) so far! Surprised by the quality too, it feels so well made.

My Qwertee Insanitee shirts arrived, and as luck would have it I don't like them :([IMG]

My [URL=""]Qwertee[/URL] Insanitee shirts arrived, and as luck would have it I don't like them :([/QUOTE]

I've had to stop risking the Insanitee ones, always get ones I don't like :o
Yeah, thought I would give it a go as I always decided against it... too bad I guess :p

Just need to sell/trade em now! What did you do with the shirts you didn't like?

Always tried swapping them on the qwertee site, but usually ended up just using them as slobbing round the house wear :o
Love the fact that you've had to give extra protection to your carpet due to the aggressively sharp nature of your chest's legs :p. Who designed that?!

In other news: love that beautifully made chess set, good luck mrk, and I now want to buy a new keyboard :(.

Aha no we live in an old house and I'm in one of the rooms that isn't part of the extension so upon ordering some furniture we quickly realised that the floor in this room isn't completely straight in places. That and the draws slowly opening themselves gave it away :p
Gigabit switch came :D. Only took 2 days on a certain companies super saver delivery.


Just had a quick test while I await the delivery on my HDD's on Monday.
(1.4Gb Film transfers in around 10 seconds :D)

I have that QPAD MK85 had it for a few months now really like it great keyboard and it was my first mech one as well, taken a little while to get use to. Keys are pretty soft, well travel less than old one before they do anything and often I have found myself spamming aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa when holding wasd :D
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