It hit 17mbs at one point.
I literally just connected to it after being installed and it should go higher.
i7 3770K upgrade from an i5 2500K for Lightroom use.
The max 24/7 stable clock the i5 would reach on my board with this RAM configuration was 4.5GHz and at the same clock on the i7 the running temps are near as much exactly the same. By the looks of it I can get 4.8 out of this so will bump it up shortly but for comparison purposes at the same clocks the i7 is doing its job:
The i5 was choked up throughout and that was why I was seeing mouse stutter every few seconds on large full resolution exports. The decrease of just over 30 seconds is a bonus as the mouse stutter is now gone. The extra HT cores were definitely worth the £100 upgrade.
For gaming only though the i5 is perfect and offers the best bang for buck. There's no need for an i7 for gaming. Pair it with a good GPU and you're laughing.
Now for 4.8GHz...
That's why I went i7 when i bought my computer, people say you can't tell the difference from an i5 but eventually software will catch up and i will need it.
Far too much capitalist rubbish in this thread. To redress ze balance, I have purchased Mother Russia's finest bolt-action rifle!
This is a 1936 dated M1891/30 Mosin Nagant. It is not a refurb, and has been well-used so I'd bet it was used in anger. Having looked at these things via various media throughout my life, but never having handled one until now, the big thing that immediately strikes you is how blooming massive they are. And heavy.
Fully deactivated and UK legal.
Sorry about the snaps: awful iPhone and dark here.