Images of items I have purchased.

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Ahh okay :( I guess I'll have a search about. I actually really like the look of them and looked before for a UK plug but never found one. Mocking one of those up shouldn't be too hard :)
Having just wired up half a million pounds worth of audio gear I am going to demand we rip all the power leads out tomorrow and re do it RL's way..... :D
It's a real novelty for simple folk from the provinces

How so? There's a lot wrong with it. But I admire it's history :)

e; For anyone wanting something like Raymonds, I recommend you take a look at Sonar Quest :) They do **** all different they just look the piece.
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I haven't even gone into the voodoo about buying power cables lol or those power blocks or even try it with a UPS!

Lots to do in the next 3-5 years :D

Both power cables and power blocks can make a difference. Subjective on the former and can be very expensive on the later. Don't forget all the vibration damping legs and mats. :D

to go with Spidey


Only downside is its £7.99 an issue :(

Jeezus ..... Get up at 7am.... Hit the tubes at 8am..... jostle, punch and fight your way onto a carriage.... Smell other peoples farts for an hour before arriving at work.

lol, my niece does this and she says exactly the same thing but adds armpits to the list :)
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It certainly is. I'd say it's considerably overpriced given the sum of all the bits that make it up and I’m good enough with my hands to be able to make something very similar from metal or wood for less but here's the thing, having the materials and machinery to do it properly isn't something most people including myself have easy access to :(

The other thing is looking around for similar stands they’re all in the £50+ range. Cheaper ones look naff and don't have the same features (strain off the headband, cable tidy, quality finish). So not really any other option!
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