Images of items I have purchased.

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Yeah but Willie's stuff is actually meant to be grated into dishes, using a small amount of it, not bitten off the block and eaten. His choc mince pies are amazing, you should put it in that.

Most 'cooking chocolate' is fairly low grade / has different ingredients in it to regular chocolate...I just use regular for all my cooking. I'll happily eat a bar of 85% stuff on it's own though...yummy.
Saab Aux-In kit for my car.


I can fit it myself, just need to find a nice person with the "Tech2" kit who can enable it for me!
I got charged about £35 to get mine enabled on my old saab 9-3 from an ex-saab dealer who still services them.
Make sure you put them on properly, I see so many idiot BMW drivers who put them on their wheels the wrong way up! instead of ///M they have W///, you won't believe how many times I've seen this happen! Always makes me laugh.

:D Who do you think I am? :mad:

Even my centre caps are all the same orientation!

I've just bought this as a surprise birthday present for my mum. It's a silver brooch made by Ernest Blyth in 1966.

He was her brother and a quite talented goldsmith in the 60's, 70's and 80's (he won the DeBeers award twice). He died around 15 years ago and sadly the small number of items that my mum had of his were lost is a small house fire around 10 years ago. So I thought this brooch would be a lovely sentimental present for her. I was very pleased when I found it and I can't wait to give it to her tomorrow and see her reaction when she reads the signature on the back :)

I have some fantastic memories of visiting his studio with my mum and brother in the early 70's to see him work. It's strange to think that he would never have known when he was making this item that it would find its way back to his sister 49 years later.
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