I like the Orange amp, but really, I want to play with that thing behind it. Looks fun!
CCNP Route book for referencing, and to use the CD, exam booked,
There are 3 exams for this CCNP series, getting Route out the way first
Matching Kettle and Toaster for my new flat, plus a surprisingly powerful Vax handheld vacuum and a cable tidy box.
What do you do for a living? I presume you already have your CCNA? I'm just about to start my training for it shortly.
Is there a gaming pc box in there somewhere?
Matching Kettle and Toaster for my new flat, plus a surprisingly powerful Vax handheld vacuum and a cable tidy box.
I like the strategically placed items that give the picture substance.
The cardboard box is the star.
Same Vacuum here, what about pics of new flat?
^Very smart. Congrats
Bigger TV should be next on your shopping list.
That's a really nice flat. How much do you pay solely for the flat per month if you don't mind me asking?