Images of items I have purchased.

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Who knows what this is :-)


a stock image?
Recent haul from the St.Ives model show hosted by IPMS Brampton.

Eduard Profipack 1/35 PzKpfw V1 AusfB Tiger II - £28

MENG 1/35 Israeli Heavy APC Achzarit - £30

MENG 1/35 Panzerhaubitze 2000 self propelled howitzer - £40

very nice selection.
You need to post some pictures on completion :)
I really, really want to try paramotoring.

I've only had a couple of flights, but it is amazing. Looking down and seeing your feet and the ground below is awesome.

Yes it is a stock image - I've ordered it, but it hasn't arrived yet !
Doesn't the noise get annoying? I've always fancied paragliding, silent flying, really should make it my main aim next year to learn. Already hike, always thought it be great to hike up mountains and paraglide down, no idea if laws permit that.
Doesn't the noise get annoying? I've always fancied paragliding, silent flying, really should make it my main aim next year to learn. Already hike, always thought it be great to hike up mountains and paraglide down, no idea if laws permit that.

It be funny if this became a huge trend like drones. Seeing all these people flying about the skies.
It is for washing your nethers after you've done your business.
Very common in half of the world, just not in the UK.

Nothing against bidets, but the setup in that photo doesn't look practical or hygienic. Any water or other "matter" on the shower-head is going to drip the contents all over the floor. Then there's the potential for cross-contamination using it in the hand basin.
I had those gloves. They ripped down the seam after 10 minutes on the heavy bag!

Probably knock offs. I remember seeing a thread on Reddit discussing knock off fitness equipment and someone posted a link to a punch bag he managed to destroy after a 15 minute session. Working away on it and the next thing the stitching exploded and emptied everything from the top to the middle out. It was stuffed full of old rags and other misc crap.
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