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Swapped the clear case for an all matte black version for the Gopro. :)

That's fair, I've only tried the Denons for music (used to work at Richer Sounds) so I can't compare them for gaming. Still though, any decent set of hi-fi headphones will be great for games regardless.
Few car bits. Never changed a gearbox or fitted a clutch before.. What could ever go wrong! aha


what car is it on?

best bit of advice I would give is buy new bolts that hold the pressure plate to the flywheel.
as if you don't you'll end out with one that's a pig to get out and the end gets chewed then you have to run about while the cars in bits to get one..

if youre not confident on getting the clutch lined by eye buy a draper alignment tool you'll get one for under a tenner on ebay.
what car is it on?

best bit of advice I would give is buy new bolts that hold the pressure plate to the flywheel.
as if you don't you'll end out with one that's a pig to get out and the end gets chewed then you have to run about while the cars in bits to get one..

if youre not confident on getting the clutch lined by eye buy a draper alignment tool you'll get one for under a tenner on ebay.

Mk2 Golf.

I've got new bolts for everything and its all done now. I done it by eye and a vanier caliper. Alignment tools don't work on these (apparently, everyone I've spoken to says they don't)

I was surprised how easy it was. Wouldn't want to do it with the engine in the car though.
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