Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Must be a different Kathleen Kennedy thats produced a large number of huge well loved movies inc much of Spielbergs and Lucasfilm output over the last 40 years. Indiana Jones , Jurrasic Park, and a gatrillion others.

Sadly, like a lot of really good "followers" who suddenly get to "lead" and then find it a much different proposition, her poor leadership has tainted her past successes.

I mean her recent desire to be remembered mainly as a "female XYZ" rather than a "great XYZ" has meant that her legacy from all the great work she did over the first 30 years of her amazing career (and she was undoubtedly a fantastic Producer - I genuinely mean that) has been thrown away due to her utter failures, firstly as a Leader but also a icon for other women in the industry to look at as a figurehead of glass ceiling breaking.

To be unkind but maybe accurate - some people do better when they remain as followers and should recognise that within themselves.
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Thanks for the view from the inside, perhaps you can do a whistle blowing piece for Breitbart etc ?

Are you ok, you seem very angry? Thread discussing Indy movies and your bringing this nonsense into the thread.

You don't seem to understand the differing levels of 'creative' influence and power she has now vs then.

Wouldnt even bother wasting time or effort explaining, clearly not wanting to discuss but toys out the pram for some reason.
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Are you ok, you seem very angry? Thread discussing Indy movies and your bringing this nonsense into the thread.

Wouldnt even bother wasting time or effort explaining, clearly not wanting to discuss but toys out the pram for some reason.
Toys out the pram, nah youve already done that in the Star Wars sequel thread.

Have you tried contacting Spielberg ? He'd be horrifed to find Kathleen Kennedy had got here by "hanging on his coat tails" and secretly writing and directing all his best work.
Indiana Fleabag and the dial of wokery more like.

This is getting a hard pass from me unless all the leaked information turns out to be unfounded.
^ This - on current evidence, another lecture on gender politics is all that LucasFilm under KK’s stewardship is capable of producing.

Crystal Skull was bad enough … but now time-travel and toxic masculinity? No thanks :rolleyes:
How has he seen it 10 weeks before it's due out?

There have been multiple test screenings, and earlier this month a leaked 6.5 minute clip was circulating online. By all accounts, it was embarrassingly bad.

The heroine refers to herself as 'resourceful, beautiful, daring, self sufficient', which has rustled a few jimmies.
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“Suddenly Kingdom of the Crystal Skull doesn’t look so bad” - journo at Cannes

To the surprise of no one :cry:

I look forward to an amazing script with gems such as

Oh great another movie about Imperialism! what time does the lecture start?

I have a Pronouns and Mis-gendering workshop from 10-12, and then a seminar on "Netflix's Cleopatra: When Cultural appropriation backfires" after lunch.
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