*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

They're probably spamming antibiotics and painkillers which have virtually zero cooldown, so as soon as they were out of sight, they'll be back up to full health.

Undoubtedly right. I hate that kind of thing. I personally don't even think there should be any immediate heal-type item in the game. That's just me, though.

I finally had a couple of successful fights, killing three different bandits and nearly getting a fourth. Helped a guy out too which was nice.
I love this game, been playing every night from 8pm one of my characters has survived 4days worth of in game time without dieing!. He will at some point i'm sure
Jesus Christ, this is getting ******* stupid now. I spot two players running away from me in Clearview. I put about 5 or 6 hits into them (between them), they sprint and go around the back of a house and have to fight off two zombies. They still haven't seen me so I go around the other side of the house and one of them appears, I get the first shots off and about 5 all hit the player. Three shots fired back and I'm dead. They had no armour and only a pistol, like me. SERIOUSLY, this is every encounter for me now.

I hate to moan, but you can understand how frustrating this is. What the Hell am I doing wrong?

Keep bandages or something in your quick bar, when you are getting hit spam the quick slot number to heal while getting shot.
Has this changed much since first Alpha week, haven't had time to play/been away and still don't really have much time to either.
Just done a quick blog post about this here. Will add more in-depth stuff at a later date methinks.

Keep bandages or something in your quick bar, when you are getting hit spam the quick slot number to heal while getting shot.

That helped. :D

Does anyone know if there is a fast way to swap between a pistol and a melee weapon? My game makes me have to go into the menu to do it, which can take a while when a zed is eating your face off!
Does anyone know if there is a fast way to swap between a pistol and a melee weapon? My game makes me have to go into the menu to do it, which can take a while when a zed is eating your face off!

Nah really annoying that is as well, we should be able to equip a pistol into a main weapon slot and have melee in the 2nd slot.
On exiting the safe zone near Clearview I only bloody got shot at by a spawn camper from about 200 yards away. Luckily I was wearing body armor so his three/four hits didn't kill me, but still it's bloody annoying.

Anyway I promptly hid behind a tree and disconnected.

Is it mostly EU99 on here then?
Most of us frequent EU99 as our regular server, i've played on it almost every night for the last 10 days.

Just had a great run around with robofish and vorhees, moment of the night...

Neil79 believing he was about to join our group, vorhee's shooting him mercilessly between the eyes.

I actually wanted to kill him at first, then decided he should join but V executed :D
Thing is I was glad i got killed

All i had was a bat and a poor backpack, my health was at my feet and i had no food or water. Being killed at such a weak level is ok with me ;)

Then again i'd never trust anyone with my top end characters, 5days 3hrs survival :)
Most of us frequent EU99 as our regular server, i've played on it almost every night for the last 10 days.

Just had a great run around with robofish and vorhees, moment of the night...

Neil79 believing he was about to join our group, vorhee's shooting him mercilessly between the eyes.

I actually wanted to kill him at first, then decided he should join but V executed :D

Yeah was a great night, none of us died I believe? We trolled some other players who were looking for us all over clearview (we were nowhere near). I had no choice but to take down neil , it was a trophy kill. Great fun playing with you guys though.
I can see really well as well!

Or is it " we killed Neil "

Am I that popular? do i have a reward on my head every time i play a game or something LoL
Sigh Join game, few people on I grab some stuff guy vanishes as i go around the corner next thing i know he's spawned behind me :(
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