Sigh Join game, few people on I grab some stuff guy vanishes as i go around the corner next thing i know he's spawned behind me
Yeah, the server hopping and ghosting is starting to get out of hand in this game.

Sigh Join game, few people on I grab some stuff guy vanishes as i go around the corner next thing i know he's spawned behind me
This game goes from being a bit mundane at times (looting, running between towns, popping zeds) to hand shaking, heart racing excitement in an instant.
I was in Crystal Lake, creeping from building to building and the proximity music kicks in. I slowly make my way to the tree line and get out my binoculars. I see a guy entering the post office. I start to move down.
Then suddenly notice he's in the market. Think to myself that he moved there quick. So I move around back of supermarket and he pops around the corner to take a look, 10 rounds full auto on my M4 and he's down. I run over to get his stuff, hear footsteps still in the market.
Run around the opposite side, creep into market, look around, looks empty, relax a moment, think he's logged, then I take 2 mossberg shots from the corner, again, I unload another 10 rounds full auto, he's down.
The 2 guys are friendly in prox chat about it, bit disappointed but there is no rage or insults. Not much loot, NVG, a few guns and some sniper ammo which will be traded on the forums for something better.
My hands are still trembling from the rush![]()
Six man i was on the phone to a customer and im holding the "H" button thinking im on mumble lol !
I'm going to cry, my character got murdered she had an m14/largebackpack and millitary gear!. I was running towards the safe zone and someone was just sat right on the edge![]()
I used my trash character for about 30 minutes yesterday and ran around Campos with a trail of zombies after me. Wanted to see how long it would take them to kill me! I survived for quite along time considering I couldn't run
Should be on EU99 again later and TS. a sniper rifle yet mate?
EDIT: I now have a mauser with 40 rounds![]()
u traded that rifle didnt you?
I would tell you your a ****. And then ask for one so we can go on an epic Bandit hunt tonight.
Your missus will be like. "Sure i know you havnt seen your best friend N00bie, play all your want"