wow hacker central tonight on EU 99, tons of stuff being stored near a fence at clearview. Went in with two others, started getting shot at. Killed him, another guy appears right behind me, then another. Out of thin air!. There was a huge argument going on between some guy called splender and a number of others basically saying
Game has been brilliant for months
Got real annoyed was with Bill just north of Hill Ranch and got some loot from the road tunnel. Then went south and crossed the river bridge and headed up into Smallville. We saw a survivor in the town so hid amongst the trees on the outskirts to see what they were up to and if anyone else was with them. And then suddenly I was aware of somebody standing right behind me, turned (but I was still prone) saw they had a hammer and before I could remember how to stand up (I had a shotgun equipped) I received to blows to my bunce and was dead
Weird thing was the player then immediately logged out as I watched them on the kill cam. Luckily Bill was nearby and picked up what he could and waited for me to bring another of my survivors into Smallville. My killer didn't show up after that found it strange how they appeared right behind me with a hammer...
After I met up with Bill we continued towards Clearview and Bill almost had an orgasm when he shouted over TS that he had found a massive pile of loot as if someone had recently died, behind a fence not far from the sheriff station. I grabbed a 2 x pistols, body armour, shotgun and food etc...
Then Bill wanted to check out the Sheriff station so we walked over and I foudn another pile of loot next to the fence around the car park. Then Bill shouts "SURVIVOR" but luckily it was Neil79 standing on a car with a few zombies baying for his blood
We group up and I give a pistol to Neil79 and we head into the Sheriff station. I catch a glimpse of a survivor heading towards us at the front of the Sheriff station and they are armed. Quick shout over TS and we are ready to get them as they approach - I get a shot on them and in the confusion Neil79 shoots Bill
We dispatch the survivor I had seen and then suddenly another survivor appears in the middle of the Sheriff station and kills me. And not long after Neil79 is also dispatched
I'm watching on the killcam as the guy stands in the biggest pile of loot you have ever seen!!! and then he logs out.
Whilst all this was going on there was loads and loads of raging going on in chat about ESP etc.... I'm pretty sure the first survivor we saw was a legit player but not sure where the other 2 came from especially as they just seemed to appear in the building.
Both DayZ and WarZ are popular games which make them targets for these hackers. Just hope the devs do something about all the server hopping, ghosting and ESP as otherwise there isn't much point playing for hours only to get killed by some guy using an ESP hack.