*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

spils if it was last night it may have been me? i wasn't hopping though. was just cycling each of my characters to see where i'd logged them out. played friday night a wee bit drunk and couldn't remember where i'd left them all at!!

apologies if it was me and i caused any offence, certainly non was intended

No it wasn't you, your a good guy it doesn't matter anyway I just thought it needed saying. While we have a server and we all trust each other not to be douches, Glitch use hacks. Lets have some fun, leave the insults, server hopping and hack accusations and to EU01-EU250 and have some fun with the game as it can be brilliant when everyone plays nice :p.

If there's no one on the server then I think server hopping etc is fine your not hurting anyone. But when someone loads in and there's a few people playing. Don't ******** server hop you have just made it virtually impossible for the people on the server to find anything for the next half an hour.

As we saw last night Mark spawned in spent half an hour on a new char running up to Norad to have a look around only to get there see someone spawn in loot it quickly then logout. That kinda sucks.

Just my 2cents.
No it wasn't you, your a good guy it doesn't matter anyway I just thought it needed saying. While we have a server and we all trust each other not to be douches, Glitch use hacks. Lets have some fun, leave the insults, server hopping and hack accusations and to EU01-EU250 and have some fun with the game as it can be brilliant when everyone plays nice :p.

If there's no one on the server then I think server hopping etc is fine your not hurting anyone. But when someone loads in and there's a few people playing. Don't ******** server hop you have just made it virtually impossible for the people on the server to find anything for the next half an hour.

As we saw last night Mark spawned in spent half an hour on a new char running up to Norad to have a look around only to get there see someone spawn in loot it quickly then logout. That kinda sucks.

Just my 2cents.

definitely needed saying mate. i agree whole heartedly. ezah has very decently at his own inital expense set us up a server, and it is very annoying seeing folks spawn in and take advantage.

anyway, maybe they'll sort the loot soon and add some server admin tools. till then i guess we just gotta suck it up and deal with as best we can
with the new Just Survive site the tournament system will really help with this, providing we have enough interest from people.
I'm not going to on for the next 3 nights so I guarantee that rares will be spawning everywhere, come Tuesday when I can get back on it'll be back to water and granola bars!
Ezah just do a charge back mate on the server get your cash back the server is a total waste of time even I'm sick of looting for beans. Let us know before you do it so we can all move our chars back as I have 3 with milatry rucks out in the wilderness.

O and will the idiots using our server to god dam hop stop it your annoying theres hundreds of servers out there to do that kinda stuff on, why come on ours to do it even we are moving chars around and running to different towns. A certain someone logged in 4 times the other evening while I was playing with cortex I said hello to him 3 times each time I though man your rude only to see he'd logged out few minutes later hes back in.
I saw mark spend 30 minutes running up to Norad last night only for someone to login minutes before he actually made it did a lap and then just log out. If your going to do that kinda stuff do it on a public or actually put your hand in your own pocket and pay for your own server.

I for one am really annoyed with the cheek of you for doing that stuff on a server you don't even contribute to.

LMAO - throwing stones in glasshouses and all that....

Wasn't it Cork that killed Ezah when he hopped into the hunting tent in Pleasant Valley or whatever it is called...

I haven't played since the weekend and seem to remember you guys were doing exactly what you describe. I only started doing it after I saw you guys doing it - seem to remember seeing you guys hop into Camp Splinter at least 3-4 times when I was playing, and yes I actually had walked to Splinter from Campos!

Last time we all played together, Skunkdogz walked all the way from the airport where we waited for you guys to come PVP for at least an hour, so then we came to find you in Campos stopping at a couple of the smaller towns on the way.

So please don't come here all high and mighty - this is why I stopped playing DayZ with OCUK guys cause it just ends up with posts like yours when they don't get things there own way.
For the record, I was at the tent when he hopped in on me.

But no matter, I understand people have been a bit stressed with this game the last week with the poor loot and trying all sorts to get something, but that should stop now.

if necessary, we will do 24x7 PvP and I guess thatll stop then ;)
For the record, I was at the tent when he hopped in on me.

But no matter, I understand people have been a bit stressed with this game the last week with the poor loot and trying all sorts to get something, but that should stop now.

if necessary, we will do 24x7 PvP and I guess thatll stop then ;)

Guess I got that bit wrong :) but no need for people to come in here trolling ;) I still thank you for letting us come and play on your server Ezah!

I here the loot has actually picked up since the patch and as you previously said you need to pick up all the loot from a spawn in order for it to respawn items.

I might log on in a little while and take a look at the new patch!
I know have one of these and 40 rounds:D
No hotlinking please

@dlknight, erm you have the wrong guy I'm the last person to server hop. I've just played all night on my own and stuck to 3 chars the whole time.

I always play my chars till I get them to a safe or die. Wind your neck in mate I was just saying what was going on and that it should stop as its a joke when some of your lot just log into OUR server and hop the main spawns then log out not to be seen again until they want to hop again.

I actually had no problem with any of you lot and was quite happy for us all to play together. If you haven't played in a week then the issue isn't with you is it so why pipe up ? Our guys only hop when no ones on really I know this as there always on mumble.

Seeing as nothing was spawning it was just a friendly rant lets all play nice etc. Obviously you want to make more of it so ill bring my new Blaser out next time your on the server and take your head off with it xxxxx
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