*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

And no comment on the loot.. these guys are incredible.
Loot and hackers are the 2 main complaints yet the devs have their heads right up their ****** and instead focus on adding content no one needs or cares about and isnt even correctly implemented.
Guys and gals

A week ago a few of us Just Survive lot removed one character from the clan and played a free for all in campos. It didn't work to well because we spawned in with loads of good stuff and couldn't manage to carry it all back ha.

However the principle has promise and we are looking to do it again.

The plan would be to lock the server down, allow everyone one gun only and a melee weapon, characters would spawn in random places over the map and it would be a fight for survival.

Obviously the map is pretty big and it could take hours to find and kill everyone but a single goal could be set like make it to campos or something.

Would anyone else be interested in this?
Guys and gals

A week ago a few of us Just Survive lot removed one character from the clan and played a free for all in campos. It didn't work to well because we spawned in with loads of good stuff and couldn't manage to carry it all back ha.

However the principle has promise and we are looking to do it again.

The plan would be to lock the server down, allow everyone one gun only and a melee weapon, characters would spawn in random places over the map and it would be a fight for survival.

Obviously the map is pretty big and it could take hours to find and kill everyone but a single goal could be set like make it to campos or something.

Would anyone else be interested in this?

This is the kind of thing that will bring me back to playing regularly.
Would anyone else be interested in this?

You could in effect reverse the current server rules. Make campos a safe haven and everywhere else pvp. You kill a coupe guys pick up stuff u like and make it to campos.
Maybe there'd have to be some kind of gentlemans agreement in place that camping the outskirts of campos is frowned upon?
You could in effect reverse the current server rules. Make campos a safe haven and everywhere else pvp. You kill a coupe guys pick up stuff u like and make it to campos.
Maybe there'd have to be some kind of gentlemans agreement in place that camping the outskirts of campos is frowned upon?

But you can't admin it because you can't ban people, only kick.

tbh I quite like that idea but the server really needs to be un-passworded to get the punters in which we can't do as we can't ban people lol

I'm currently looking at ways of implementing a tournament system into our site which can be used to run regular free for all events or even 2v2 and 3v3 events, etc. That's the only way I see this game staying popular unless the devs actually start implementing real anti cheat measures.

Can also include a ladder event too.
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And no comment on the loot.. these guys are incredible.
Loot and hackers are the 2 main complaints yet the devs have their heads right up their ****** and instead focus on adding content no one needs or cares about and isnt even correctly implemented.

Ezah just do a charge back mate on the server get your cash back the server is a total waste of time even I'm sick of looting for beans. Let us know before you do it so we can all move our chars back as I have 3 with milatry rucks out in the wilderness.

O and will the idiots using our server to god dam hop stop it your annoying theres hundreds of servers out there to do that kinda stuff on, why come on ours to do it even we are moving chars around and running to different towns. A certain someone logged in 4 times the other evening while I was playing with cortex I said hello to him 3 times each time I though man your rude only to see he'd logged out few minutes later hes back in.
I saw mark spend 30 minutes running up to Norad last night only for someone to login minutes before he actually made it did a lap and then just log out. If your going to do that kinda stuff do it on a public or actually put your hand in your own pocket and pay for your own server.

I for one am really annoyed with the cheek of you for doing that stuff on a server you don't even contribute to.
Spills I haven't used your server since last weekend so....

What was his name that kept on logging in and out?

However you can't be angry against someone who is doing exactly what you and everyone else does on WarZ, Was it not one of your clan members that appeared at the airport, then at camp splinter and finally Norad? :)
Guys and gals

A week ago a few of us Just Survive lot removed one character from the clan and played a free for all in campos. It didn't work to well because we spawned in with loads of good stuff and couldn't manage to carry it all back ha.

However the principle has promise and we are looking to do it again.

The plan would be to lock the server down, allow everyone one gun only and a melee weapon, characters would spawn in random places over the map and it would be a fight for survival.

Obviously the map is pretty big and it could take hours to find and kill everyone but a single goal could be set like make it to campos or something.

Would anyone else be interested in this?

Your stole my idea and failed to execute it. What you need to do is instead of making a goal reach Campos you limit the map like it was on release day theres a boundry with only the north park of the map in play down to campos and around echos. Ill draw it onto the map in a bit. We also all just draw a random town out of a hat. We can each take our char to that town and eitehr pick to log him in the town or on the outskirts.

The one rule is no one takes more than the basic gear medium ruck, 2 bottles of water two food items. m-16 with 30 bullets a back up pistol with 1 clip a hammer 3 bandages and 2 pain killers + 1 antiboitc, some binocs and thats it.

We can set a timmer to say 2 hours the object being to survive. You can pick to go into a town to loot for better gear more ammo etc. or stay hidden and wait for other to loot your town.

I think we'd need at least 10 of us to make it fun (10 people we can trust to not be running cheats or take in extra gear I no some of you will do that as your retards):D But it should be fun and any gear lost doesn't matter its very basic gear.

Any of the new guys like Thor etc if you want to get involved but don't have enough basic stuff hit me up and I can kit you out.

Edit here something like this if we select an area like so it should be fun giving us all enough space to move and a few towns to loot we don't want to many as no one will ever find anyone it will also be cool to run into a town realise its been looted and then have to think o no is someone else here ? is someone watching me ?

We could rorate the area each time to have different zones in etc I think one around the south of the map including the Airport and Boulder would be cool also.

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Spills I haven't used your server since last weekend so....

What was his name that kept on logging in and out?

However you can't be angry against someone who is doing exactly what you and everyone else does on WarZ, Was it not one of your clan members that appeared at the airport, then at camp splinter and finally Norad? :)

I cant be angry as its not my server. I can think its a bit disrespectful though. Its also not something I do on the Jusu server I always load a char in and play him till I get killed or to a safe the only time I change chars really is if someone like ezah jumps on and we are really far apart.

Not everyone does it on Warz Neil I no for a fact most the Jusu lot do not do it on our server as i play and speak to them every night and can also see exactly where they all are on the map.

You know your self its a big problem with warz so why come do it on Ezahs server ? Dont you think thats a bit rude ? or is it just me who thinks its a bit of a joke, Ezah lets you and all of us play on his server and to thank him you just do the things that most of us hate about Warz like server hoping ?
Spils - that's a pretty good idea too. Too bad you can't spectate once you're out though.

Don't worry, I'll keep the server on. There are 23 days left and that's a long time in war z ;) anything can happen.
A certain someone logged in 4 times the other evening while I was playing with cortex I said hello to him 3 times each time I though man your rude only to see he'd logged out few minutes later hes back in.

spils if it was last night it may have been me? i wasn't hopping though. was just cycling each of my characters to see where i'd logged them out. played friday night a wee bit drunk and couldn't remember where i'd left them all at!!

apologies if it was me and i caused any offence, certainly non was intended
Been for a smoke and had some Ideas I think Jamors Idea for some 4vs4 etc would be pretty cool using a map boundary and having to take a town example Clearview for example. Make it to the Stalker and holding the town for say 10 minutes. You signal the start of the ten minutes by firing off flares or something.

Its a shame we have no admin tools or server options as we could play out things like find the santa sack and return it to a safe zone in a 8vs8 game.

One person goes in, whos not in the match drops a Santa sack (carl as 50 of them don't worry) in an unnamed town and then the two teams have to find it. In the current state that would allow no more than 10 minutes game play so would kinda suck.

We could also do large scale wars where a town and building is picked one team sets up base in that town/city and the other team has to take said building by releasing a flare.

We could also do 4vs4's 5vs5 6vs6's and so on where everyone spawns in a with fresh char using brand new chars each team all use the exact same char and costume. We all spawn in random and then have to meet up with our fellow team survivors this could throw up the situation where you spot someone in a town on the opposite team in the early game and you need to decide if to go in for the kill and give your position or hang tight and call in team members to meet up and go in for the kill. The point of the game being (Each team as an HQ ie one could be Apartments at campos the other teams HQ being boulder city) the winning team wins when there's no players on one team left. Or players from the opposite team get to the otehr teams hq and left off either a flare for one team and a chem light for the other team.

Or mix that up by doing one of the teams as an HQ and the other team must stop the team from reaching there HQ.

Big shame we have no server options as we could create some good little battles. I'd love to do a recover the Hostage where we have say a team of 6 in a city holding a player from the other team and then the opp team as to get into the city wipe out the bad guys and rescue the hostage.

With the options we have on the server its going to be hard to do anything other than randomly killing at the moment :mad:

I'm just sick to death of hunting for beans I'm willing to try anything to bring back the fun we all had pre xmas.
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