*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

To whoever gave me the large backpack, Ivor Biggun I believe it was, many many thanks. I've now got it filled with 3 x m4 an m16 and sig pistol :D
no worries kwango, but remember if you find any double barrel shotgun ammo grab it for me please :)

can't believe the server kicked us all again at the end there while we were in a middle of a fight but it was a sign that i needed my bed :(
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what time does pvp commence at the weekend? got a char at splinter that's loaded with weapons and don't want him to fall foul of any of those pesky SD's :p
I would have thought at midnight tonight, as that is the start of the weekend.

Oh I found a Bizon at the airport yesterday :D heard it's pretty rare to find.
I would have thought at midnight tonight, as that is the start of the weekend.

Oh I found a Bizon at the airport yesterday :D heard it's pretty rare to find.

Aye, midnight is the start.

Bizon was super rare but I guess it's just started dropping, someone got one in NORAD yesterday too (not on our server)

My guess is that HP have a shifting loot table to keep people interested in the game longer, one week it's all Colts, then Range finders, now knives and SCARs..a kind of drip feed of items to keep you playing in the absence of any real content, and a PVP environment plagued by hackers.
The devs can not be so incompetent to screw this loot thing up this badly, so my guess is its intentional.

Having said that, at least 4 blasers and 4 m107s dropped on our server over a couple of days, so I m not really complaining about the situation today.
We went onto a very public server last night two of us armed to the teeth, one guy with an m107. At first it was sniper v sniper with some other guys at Norad then we got bored and logged into another one.

Not long after a guy just started shooting with no recoil towards my friends position at the top of the hill, he aimed and fired his m107. One dead survivor...

4 Scars, 3 m4's and the list continued.

As I walked back i heard shots, someone died with a few profanities I ran behind a tree and shots were hitting my tree. I saw this guy while looking at me, suddenly do a 360 kill a guy behind him then straight back to my position.

Bit dodgy we logged out
Unreal firefight at clearview last night jusu V public we killed loads and got killed a few times too the loot all over the hill was crazy m107 cqc 's mill rucksacks etc they all just kept logging back in relentless amount of people fighting.
i died twice but that was only because i only had 2 characters anywhere near where we were fighting or probably would have died more :(

it was absolute chaos at times and we could have easily filled a couple of military rucksacks each with all the loot around :)
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Just ignore them they cant help there little digs. :rolleyes: man up and admit you got owned instead of omg hackers.

I had great fun it was nice to kill people again who don't just camp bushes around a safe zone and then call you hackers once you kill them.
We all know the kind.
3 of my guys raped on EU 100PL within 3 mins we moved to different servers each time *insert Rage* first i got aim botted through a window as i was running past it, second i was in a cabin 2 doors the only way to see in i barricaded them (riot shields) i looked through one and saw a guy drop from a tall roof at clear to the main street (glitcher) soon as he hit the floor he turned and shot me through a gap the size of a m9 helmet what a joke! then the last guy i spawned opposite side of the lake and got aim botted from clear view town Pfft.
3 of my guys raped on EU 100PL within 3 mins we moved to different servers each time *insert Rage* first i got aim botted through a window as i was running past it, second i was in a cabin 2 doors the only way to see in i barricaded them (riot shields) i looked through one and saw a guy drop from a tall roof at clear to the main street (glitcher) soon as he hit the floor he turned and shot me through a gap the size of a m9 helmet what a joke! then the last guy i spawned opposite side of the lake and got aim botted from clear view town Pfft.

lovely, and there was me about to give the public servers another try. so much for the 100 player servers having added protection :rolleyes:
Awesome shoot out on a private open server, lots of gun fire and camp splinter was lit up! Everyone was playing properly, good fun!
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