*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

Funny but I just tried that and couldn't. I couldn't access the GI as a dead character nor as a revived character. It just says that there is no post office around...

I did find a barricade yesterday which was slightly pointless because as soon as I put it up a player appeared from nowhere and caved my head in with a hammer. I lost a nice stash!
If anyone has a spare key I would very much appreciate it. Been watching this game for a while but still not convinced I would actually enjoy it. A test run would be excellent.
Just tried again and I definitely cannot access the GI from a dead character. :(

I don't know what's going on - perhaps it's just me - but I die all the time from other players. I never seem to ever have a chance. If I have the drop on them then they often kill me still. It's strange because I am a very careful player when it comes to FPS game, I really value KDR. But this...it's deathsville! Starting to annoy, me, I'll be honest.
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Just tried again and I definitely cannot access the GI from a dead character. :(

I don't know what's going on - perhaps it's just me - but I die all the time from other players. I never seem to ever have a chance. If I have the drop on them then they often kill me still. It's strange because I am a very careful player when it comes to FPS game, I really value KDR. But this...it's deathsville! Starting to annoy, me, I'll be honest.

What you need to do is when your character is dead you have to hit the revive button in the menu once you have done this you are able to access your global inventory. You can only do this however before your first login on a freshly revived character. If you log in then back out it wont work. :(

I'm having a hard time deciding if iths games worth it.

Is it worth it right now... hard to say its good but because its alpha its missing a lot of components which would make it brilliant. Id say if you have friends who are playing it or are willing to play it then you will have a good laugh for a couple of days. If not then hold off for the game to be completed.
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Is it worth it right now... hard to say its good but because its alpha its missing a lot of components which would make it brilliant. Id say if you have friends who are playing it or are willing to play it then you will have a good laugh for a couple of days. If not then hold off for the game to be completed.

Thanks, that seems like a good way to go about it. I have no friends playing it at the moment.

What worries me is that I've been reading about how this is based off their other game War Inc, and I've read a few forum posts about how that game isn't all that good.

Otherwise I'd buy it now.
Carl mate, had to log off, had a close moment though.

You were proned on that hill overlooking the ranch while you ate and I was clearing out zombies. I finished and came up the hill and there was a guy right behind you with a hammer.

He see's my M4, runs off, I ask if he's friendly, he says yes, I ask if he's armed, as he's typing I see him and put 4 bullets in him to be sure.

I've just logged out and my civvie kills have increased by 1 :D

I'll be back asap.
From my experience so far this is an MMO deathmatch game, if you don't shoot them first, they will without any hesitation, shoot you in the face.
For the cheap price i bought it for it's still good fun.
From my experience so far this is an MMO deathmatch game, if you don't shoot them first, they will without any hesitation, shoot you in the face.
For the cheap price i bought it for it's still good fun.

Yeah it is atm, but this is not a finished retail product. Lots of things are being added plus Bandits are having some work so they won't kill as much so I understand. I have also stumbled across many people who don't kill
There should be some sort of bonus system so if ur a bandit player u get a certain + but if you are friendly u also get some sort of bonus, say bandits get added damage to weapons but friendly peeps run faster. Dont take me on this though as i havent even played yet xD just made a character called The Gov' but im constantly on halo 4 atm.
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